Chapter 6: Best friend Advice

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Okay so.. In "MY" story.. Notice that I capitalized and quoted "my" because this is my story and I decide who's in it and who's not, what's real and what's fake, and how this story ends. Please don't be like "why blah blah of all people? Shouldn't blah blah be blah blah." Please note that this is only a FANFICTION and that I am the author of this fic and I decide how the story goes.

Please don't start listing down facts on why the story does not make sense because of some certain things. THIS IS ONLY A FANFIC PEOPLE. CALM DOWN.

Okay, on to the story :)

Dawn's POV

I was on my way back to the Hoenn region to compete for the Grand Festival. I looked at my partner Piplup and smiled at it as I pat its head.

"We are now landing in Slateport City. We hope you enjoyed your flight. Have a nice day, everyone!" The pilot said as we got off the plane. As soon as I got off the plane, I sighed and looked up to see someone waving at me. I walked up to that person and saw that it was... Drew!

"Hey, Dawn." He greeted. I smiled at him and buried my head into his chest. "I take it your trip went well?" I shook my head at him and felt his hand stroking my hair.

"Come on, let's head to the Pokemon center and you can tell me all about it." I nodded at him as we both started making our way towards the Pokemon center.

If you're wondering, Drew is my best friend and also May's boyfriend. I met him in LaRousse City; his hometown. He admired my battling style and we instantly became friends. I was also the one who hooked him up with May.

We finally made it to the Pokemon center and sat down on one of the dining tables. I gave Piplup some poffins and watched as it happily ate it.

"So, Dawn. What happened?" He asked me. I looked over at Drew then averted his gaze. If I told Drew what happened between me and Ash, he'd go right down to Kalos and knock some sense into him and I didn't want that but I couldn't lie to Drew either because he found out either way.

"Me and Ash got into an argument.." I started. He nodded at me and urged me to continue. "He.. He lost another gym battle and it was his second try. He ran off and I went and chased after him to comfort him.. He yelled at me and told me that I didn't know how he felt and stop comparing my contests losses to his gym battles.." I could see Drew clenching fists on the table and continued. "He threw my first contest ribbon on the ground and called it bad luck... I started crying. Afterwards I.. I confessed that I loved him and I just left..." I finished.

Drew punched the table and I could see him clenching his teeth. "How could he!? How could he make you cry like that!?!!" People around us began looking and I tried to calm Drew down. "Drew, please. Calm down." I told him.

"Calm down!? Dawn! He made you cry and no one EVER makes my best friend cry!" He shouted some more.

Sometimes Drew can be a little... over protective. But I get that he just really cares about me that's all.  Nurse Joy came by and greeted the two of us. "Excuse me, Drew. You have a call from May." Drew nodded and looked over at me, "wanna see May?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled at him, "you go on ahead. Just tell her I said hi." He then got up and left.

A few minutes later he came back and sat quietly in his chair. "Did something happen?" I asked him. "Hm? Nothing serious. It was another bad loss." Weird... That happened with me and Ash. He called me up when he lost his gym battle.

"So.. What'd you do?" I asked him.

He smiled, "I told her that there's nothing to worry about. Losing is not really a bad thing because I know she'll get better and stronger and when she does, she'll be able to win next time."

I smiled. May was really lucky to have Drew.

"Have you.. guys ever had any bad fights?" I asked. He nodded his head at me. "So how do you guys resolve it?" He thought about it for awhile then answered:

"Forgive and forget. You see, it's not really easy having a long distance relationship so you're gonna be fighting almost every once in awhile. But, I'm always able to forgive and forget about everything because I just love her that much. If they really are worth the effort, you'll find a way to make it work." He smiled.

Find a way.. To make it work.

"Wish it was that easy with Ash.." I said. Drew placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, "just give it time. He'll come around." I nodded at him.

"Thank you, Drew."

Okay. I know this seemed really short but honestly I wanna get this story moving lol. I promise, next chapter will be longer :) don't forget to vote and comment!!

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