Reviving Senpai Part 1

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Climate woke up in the morning making her usual grumpy face with her messy hair all over the place. She hopped outta bed walking toward her dresser to get dressed but to her surprise she had nothing but her bloody clothes. Climate than remembered those were her only clothes she worn ever since all this started. She knew it was very sad to only have one pair of her clothes but she couldn't go back and get more.......... Not yet anyway.......Climate was about to open the door when a box fell outta her closet. She looked at the box strangely mumbling "where did this come from" Climate read the tag on the box saying "to Climate from Red hope you got enough clothes now" She smiled big saying "I love you papa as she opened the box to find several pairs of t shirts jeans and 2 pairs of shoes. Climate smiled getting outta her pajamas and putting the new clothes on running downstairs to find red but she than realized everyone was still asleep. Climate frowned seeing it was 4:30 in the Morning. The only ones that were awake were Ej Toby Masky Hoodie and Seed. She smiled running over to them giving big hugs. They both hugged back as hoodie said " H..hi..c..climate " Climate waved at him saying "Hiya Hoodie as she hugged him once again" Climate than realized something saying "Guys I'll see you guys later as she ran off sadly" She than ran into Slenderman saying "Slender!" He than looked at her saying "Yes child what is it?" Climate than asked "Could you she did puppy eyes" Slender looked at her irritated but than said "Very well I will revive him but this is the only time I will as he teleported away" She than smiled sliding down the wall closing her eyes saying "Just a quick nap as she fell asleep in his office waiting and waiting till she heard the sound of his teleporting come back"

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