chapter 2

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wtaf I actually got votes on this aw.


*Luke's POV*

-a few days later-

it was the day I hang out with ashton and I'm so scared. i don't think anyone knows I'm gay. but I think I will come out to ashton. when I get to know him better of course. but I honestly think he's the one for me. ok I know that's very very cheesy and a cliche but I honestly love ashton more than I thought I would.

I thought I should start getting ready because our dat- I mean "hangout" was in 30 minutes.

the time went by painfully slow. the minutes crawled past like days. it was finally time and ashton knocked on my door.

"hey ash!!" I squealed as I opened the door.

"haha hey luke." he chuckled as he escorted me to his car and opened the door for me.

"what a gentleman." I giggled.

he laughed back and hopped in the drivers seat. silence filled the air. no one spoke. until I remembered 'there is a radio you idiot.' so I turned it on and it was my favorite song, 'check yes juliet' by we the kings. I was really into it and was screaming out the lyrics. I could hear ashton laughing at me.

*Ashton's POV*

luke was screaming out the lyrics to the song and all I could do was laugh. why was he so damn cute. I hate it. but I love it so fucking much. he stopped and I pouted.

"why'd you stop singing?"

"I'm out of breath," he said quietly.

I chuckled at him and focused on the road. soon we got to the 'special place' he told me to go to. I've actually never been there before because it was across town and was hoping the beautiful luke hemmings could be my tour guide.

turns out Luke told me to go to the aquarium.

'what are we doing here?'

'WE'RE HERE TO LOOK AT FISHIES!' he exclaimed as I started laughing.

he dragged me around and showed me each individual fish. he must really love this place. all I did while he was explaining the characteristics of each fish was stare. I stared as his eyes sparkled with excitement. I admired how perfect his hair was, and how amazing he was in general. how could a boy this beautiful even notice me? how did he even say yes? I couldn't believe I was here with luke fucking hemmings. I was staring into space until Luke spoke.

'ashton? ashton? you okay?' he said approaching me.

'what? oh yeah I'm fine.'

he just nodded and walked away. I followed him out of the aquarium and he walked to the drivers seat.

'what do you think you're doing hemmings?'

'I wanna drive. duh!' he chuckled.

I let him drive and it was pretty rough I guess. but, I was really confused when he brought us to a field.

*Luke's POV*

I brought ashton to the field I would go to when I want to be alone or want to talk to someone.

'where are we?' he said with his eyebrows furrowed.

'I brought you to the field i go to when I want to be alone or if I wanna talk to someone. and I wanna talk to you about something.'

he nodded and we sat on the grass.

'what did you want to talk about?'

'ashton. I'm gay.'


this is being written on mobile btw. and this is so bad ohmygod. but sorry it took so long for the update. I've been really lazy.

stay snazzy :) ~ariana

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