Boxes and Boyfriends

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You woke up the next day with a pair of arms and a warm body wrapped around you. The two of you had been up late unpacking your room. The two of you must have been so tired by the time you finally finished that you passed out. You carefully removed Taylor's arms and made your way to your bathroom.

When you return to the room,Taylor was still asleep

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

When you return to the room,Taylor was still asleep. You went downstairs and the girls were already up making breakfast. They had five places set so obviously they knew that Taylor had spent the night.
"So how's Taylor?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Duh,how is he in bed?"
"We didn't do anything! We spent the night unpacking all my boxes."
"Your no fun." Amanda said.
"You never know maybe there will be another box tonight," Emily said.
You all laughed until Taylor walked in. "What are you all laughing about. "
"Nothing," Emily said.
The five of you finished eating and none of you had to at the rink until later so Taylor picked you up and dragged you back upstairs. As soon as you were out of sight of the girls, he began to kiss you and they began to get more passionate as you got further up the stairs. They had now moved to you neck and collar bone. By the time you guys finally reached the bedroom you neck and collar bone was covered in hickeys. He threw you on the bed and the two of you started ripping each other's clothes off, completely oblivious to the fact that the girls were still in the house. Once all of your clothes were off you began to stroke his member before placing you mouth on it. He began to moan as you slowly suck on his dick. His head fell back in pleasure and you began to go faster. You could tell you that he was getting close and that's when he stopped you. He flipped you over and began to kiss your neck again and slowly move down your body stopping at each nipple before continuing. He spread your legs and kissed both your thighs before he teased you by blowing on you clit. You began to moan and he began to gently bite and suck on your clit. You hips began to buck and he could tell that you both wanted more so he began to position his entire body in between your legs.  You grabbed his dick and guided it into you. He began to slowly pump himself in and out of you. You began to moan telling him to go faster he gradually sped up the pace. Your back began to arch. You were in complete euphoria. Taylor's strokes began to get more aggressive and you began to feel yourself approaching the edge. You knew you were going to cum soon. Taylor some how got even faster. You came instantly and Taylor followed filling your entire pussy. The two of you just lied there. You could feel his dick twitching inside your throbbing pussy. "That was amazing Amy."
"I couldn't have agreed more."
"So does this make you my girlfriend."
"I don't know. Is that what you want?"
"I would really like if you were."
"Then I'm your girlfriend. "
He began to place soft kisses on your lips. You placed Taylor's clothes in the wash before the two of you of you got in the shower and rinsed of all the sweat.

Falling X Taylor HallHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin