It was damn near midday, by the time Kember had tucked the book away, convinced that that last story, had been about the creation of Vash; or rather, its rebirth. Lady Ellaria, Madrina's Mother, had grown tired of the people who had once thrived in her little paradise, but had grown to large, too, vicious, to remain; but Kember had had to disagree.
The Lady of Light believed that the people of Vash, had broken away from her vision of what the paradise was supposed to be. They had fallen into pits of their own pride, using people like slaves, to do their bidding. It was no longer the world she had dreamed it would be, the hate, the anger, the anxiety that filled them all...
So, she had given them all something to fight for,together. She set forth with her plans, enlisting the help of her beloved, Lord of Darkness, and together, they had begun to reshape the planet of Vash. The people of course, began to panic, as the quakes and the after shocks rumbled at their feet; to them, their world was falling apart, and they had need to band together, if they were to survive.
They built hundreds of ships, harvested as many crops as they could, and scoured the universe for another, to call home. Completing their quota just in time, they worked together to load the ships, males and females of all ranks and social standings, their hands covered in dirt and grime, until the very last soul was secure and the last ship had set for the skies.
There were those who had stayed behind, just like the story had told,taking to the caves in hopes that their Gods would protect them, Gods, they had all but forgotten about, until that very moment. But it was too late, and Lady Ellaria would not turn back the clocks;those who had stayed, did so, only to sacrifice themselves for her new paradise.
It seemed so wretched, that a 'God' so pure could lay down such savagery, but, 'It was the only way, to restore the balance! Their hatred and greed, mixed with their pride, had turned Vash into a cesspool of degrading...' Blah Blah Blah!
She had been against it from the moment she'd heard about it, but by then, people had been seen in the vast meadows and lingering in the mountains; life, he been renewed, in her image. Lady Ellaria had promised to leave Vash as it was now, classifying it as a Forbidden World, as she watched over her little pet project, while those who were forced to leave their world behind, now settled on a new world,one they had called Kalvash, which roughly translated to 'New Vash' in their home tongue.
They were happy there, though something in the air had turned their skin all sorts of shades of blue, it was their home, and their civilization now thrived. Or had been thriving, until the Insidian's had launched an all out attack a few months ago.
Kion, was from Kalvash, and Kember almost giggled,packing the book into the tattered knapsack, and climbing out from behind the counter. Sure, his family still believed in the use of household slaves, but Kion was different, and being one of the last known surviving males of his line...
Something outside the deli had knocked something else. Yes, that was a lovely description, but she had no idea what it, or the fallen it, was; and then she heard the voices.
"Nothing's made a move in this sector, the others would have said something!" The voice grumbled, "She's not here, my friend!"
"Well she's gotta be somewhere! Lornah, didn't send us out here for nothing!" A second voice rang out, one filled with frustration and disgust which was not unusual, for followers of the Shadow, Lornah, to feel.
She was one of Nyx's, twisted half-sisters. Half Demon, sharing the same mother, and half Shadow, from one fucked up male, or another. Like Lyria and the others, she too had joined sides with the enemy, and the whole, 'fake' Madrina thing, totally made sense now. It had been Lornah, but then, where was Madrina? Was she okay? Had that bitch...
"Look, I know you're pissed, but Lornah had no choice! She couldn't take you with her, Buddy, her Masters would not look kindly on a soldier, sharing abed with one of their Commanders!"
"She didn't have to be the one to volunteer!"
"With Lyria gone, she was next in command."
"They could have sent Lorell, or Lanta!" The soldier let out, just as Kember laid eyes on them.
Kalvashian! They were of Kion's people!
And yet, they were on the wrong side, they were fighting, for, the enemy, for the very same enemy that had destroyed Kalvash!
"Listen Garen, she will comeback..."
"But, will she be Lornah? Or that Bitch's daughter? I can't stand that red and white hair, or the smell of her when she comes to my bed." The Kalvashian named Garen, snarled in reply. "When do I get my lover back? Tonight? Next week?"
His lover? So, not only was he a traitor, he was a FUCKING TRAITOR,literally!
"When the war ends!" His companion sighed, "Whenever the fuck that happens! And it's not like I love being here either!"
"And what do you have to look forward to when this is over? Seriously, Tanin, what awaits you on the other side?" Garen grinned, "Or have you no balls, to admit it?"
"You speak of blasphemy..."
"I speak the truth, whether you would admit it or not. I can see your love a mile away, that sparkle in your eyes at the mere sight of his eyes... You love him, Tanin! Fucking admit it!"
"And see us both hanged? Or worse,separated, for life? The Masters would never tolerate such an insolent thing, they have killed others, for less." Tanin spat back, "If anyone, were to find out about us..."
"Chill, Tanin! We both keep secrets from our superiors..."
"Yeah, but yours doesn't come with a kill ticket attached to it!"
"Demotion, is the same as a kill ticket! No one would trust me, and Lornah would be out of my reach, for good!" Garen grumbled, and sunk down on a boulder.
So, one was in a forbidden relationship with his Commander, and the other, was in love with another male, which it seemed, was also forbidden. Interesting!
"Then let's leave!" Tanin grumbled back, standing with his weapon across his chest, finger on the trigger and eyes circling the area.
"And you talk about me blaspheming, that right there, abandoning your post..." Garen looked so serious, as he rose to stand taller than Tanin. "You think death is what awaits you now? Then leave, and watch as they kill everyone you've ever spoken with, eliminating all possible hints of deceit! And if that isn't enough to sway you, they will hunt your lover down, if they have not already..."
Yup, the Eno'tai, and the hosts they occupied, were Bastards, and Kember shook her head.
"They can't use, what they don't know!" Tanin glared at him.
"Is that a threat?" Garen laughed, "Seriously, you're a toothpick! You try and run, and I will end your life before you take your third step."
"You can't be okay with this? They attacked Kalvash!" Tanin let out, "They destroyed our home!"
"She, destroyed our home!  That Bitch, forced us from our home world, and across the universe... Our Lords and Masters have spoken nothing but the truth, and though I do not agree with their plans regarding my mate, I will not die, because of you!" Garen raised his weapon, and pointed it at Tanin.
"So you would work for an enemy who threatens the existence of this whole realm?" Tanin raised his weapon is return.
"Because they have promised us great things! And I won't let you deny me my right to see their plan through, to the end! They will bring forth anew age, and their children will bring this universe to its knees when, they, find the temple of old, and sit upon its throne!"
What fucking temple? Everyone was talking about this stupid temple. Even the Valkyrie, Malice. Something about it being all celestial, and having been devoured by the darkness in the last great war between the realms. But the throne, and even being able to find it in the first place...
"I will not fight, for Masters, who would kill me and mine, for what we are! They will never find my mate, he will never be one of theirs!" Tanin smiled. "Even now, he is among friends..."
"Yes, he is! Who do you think let Lornah in to make the trade?" Garen let out with a wicked smile.
"You lie!" Tanin shouted, "He would never betray us!" But the male stopped short, the shock written on his face.
"Us?" Garen inquired with a cocked brow. "Don't you mean, them?" He added, pointing his weapon at Tanin's chest.
"No, Us!" Tanin shouted back, and let his weapon fire, sending the little ball of cool plasma, right into the male's abdomen. "He would never betray me, us!"
"He already has!" Garen let out, so quiet, Kember had to still her breathing, to hear it.
  She felt the wind shift, as the monster called Garen, closed his eyes anddrew his final breath. He was dead, Tanin, had killed him. Now normally, Zahara, or one of the others would arrive, to bring his soul to the Great Courts, but with the war going on, the enemy was left to fend for its own dead. Zahara and her sisters, would not chance and ambush while collecting the lost souls of those who had turned against them. Sad, but for their own safety, for now, those lost would remain lost in a sort on in-between, forever; and yet,that was the price one paid, for treason.

Legends - A Devil's Daughters Crossover - Book One (Published)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat