''How do I look?'' Jenna nervously asked.
''Could be better.'' I said.
''Shit!'' she started to panic.
''It was just a joke, Jenna. You look fabulous.'' I assured her. We walked towards Matt and his friend but when we faced them, my mouth dropped.
''Hi, I'm Jake. You must be Elena.'' the wolf said. I looked at Matt and then back to the guy from my garden. ''Hi.'' Jenna said because I was speechless. I had hoped to see him again but hadn't expected to, especially not this soon. We sat down, all my questions going through my head again.
''So Jake. Are you in our school?'' I asked, after finding my voice back.
''No, I'm not. I know Matt from practice, we do martial arts together. '' He smiled and his perfect white teeth showed. Show off, I thought.
"I'll get us some drinks,'' Jake said.
''What do you guys want?'' he asked. After everyone had ordered, he left the table and went to the bar.
''What's going on, Elena? You're acting weird.'' Jenna told me. I looked at her, then at Matt and saw he was confused too.
''I'm going to help him with the drinks.'' I announced before leaving the table. I wanted to talk about last Sunday.
''Who are you?'' I asked when I had taken a seat next to him at the bar while we were waiting for our order to come.
''I'm Jake.'' He said while winking.
''I know your name, you just told me but, where do you come from? What were you doing in my backyard? And '' but I stopped. I couldn't ask him about the killing part, I just couldn't. Especially not here. He must've noticed I was doubting but thankfully, didn't go deeper on it.
''I was told to go there.'' He said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
''By who?'' I asked, suddenly noticing how close we were, his hand almost touching mine, his knee already touching mine so I moved a little bit but did it subtle.
''One of our pack leaders. We get these weird tasks every now and then, it's part of the training. '' I narrowed my eyes.
''So someone told you to climb a tree in someone's backyard?'' I asked, disbelief filling my voice.
''Yes. Well, it wasn't asked like that but...they gave me an address and told me to observe and rapport. So I did. ''
''They gave you our address?'' I asked, finding this a little weird. ''Yeah, it's always another address. It's just part of the training to be able to spy and all that.'' He shrugged.
''Why do you tell me this?''
''You asked.'' I blinked. Honesty wasn't something I was used to.
''Matt and Jenna are staring at us.'' I turned around.
''Why?'' I asked.
''Because we're still sitting here, with the drinks.'' I turned back at the bar and hadn't noticed the drinks.
''Oh. We should''
''Yeah.'' We took the drinks to the table and sat down silently. I wanted to ask more questions but it should wait. Matt nor Jenna asked us to explain why we had been gone so long so no words were said about it. The rest of the evening was actually fun, I was glad it didn't fulfill my expectations. At eleven, Elijah stormed through the door and got mad at one of the waiters. Me and Jenna were the only ones who could see him because we faced the door. The guys noticed our attention moved to something behind them so they turned their heads. Jake's eyes widened, mine too. I immediately ducked behind the table. Matt, Jenna and Jake gave me a weird look. I told him the raging guy couldn't see me here, I also mentioned I didn't want to go in further details. Jake suddenly stood up, his fists balled. I couldn't see what was happening so I moved a little until my eyes were only visible above the table. 

Elijah had moved, and so had the waiter. They were heading outside, both full of anger. I stood up, ready to go after them but Jake was ahead of me. I told Matt and Jenna to stay there, but they wouldn't listen. I sighed. I tried to explain it was nothing, they needn't worry. They weren't convinced yet so I promised I'd explain it later but that they needed to trust me for now. This was something they could live with and said they would stay here, waiting for us. I nodded and went after Jake. As I opened the door, a cold breeze came out and I rubbed my arms. I had forgotten my jacket inside. I was standing on the parking lot and saw Jake getting closer to an alley. I ran to catch up with him and to get warmer. He gestured to come closer but walking, not running. I obeyed and when I stood next to him, I started to wonder why he was here.

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