Killing feels so good

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Dear Killing Journal,

                                           It brings me great joy to start logging all the people I murder in the glorious killing spree. I know it is morally wrong to kill people but I HAVE to do it, the voices make me kill the worthless human beings. The only companions I need are the voices in my head and music, everyone else is DEAD to me (quite literally).

                                                                THE DEATH OF STACEY LEE

Stacy was always one of those mean girls in school. She thought it was okay to push me around in high school. Little did she know that I would never forget the way she treated me and I would get sweet sweet revenge.

Shortly after graduation I saw that Stacy was home alone in her parents huge mansion, what a shame that she was left alone. I quietly opened the back door to her home and tip toed up the stairs to get to Stacy's room. There she was sitting watching Netflix on her Macbook. I then pulled out the hand gun I had illegally bought from a guy on the street, I squeezed the trigger and watched the life leave her fragile skinny body. I let out a victorious laugh. It was beautiful seeing her thick red blood pour from the gun shot wound in her head. I then took her lifeless hand and used it to write a mock suicide note, then I placed the gun in her hand to make it look like she had took her own pathetic life. As I drove back home I blared HeavyDirtySoul by TØP. I then flung the bloody gloves that I wore out the window and let the wind blow my hair around. The voices were so happy the I successfully had my first kill.

                                                              THE DEATH OF ZAK JAY

Zak was a football star at the university he attended and had a bright future ahead of him. The voices and I hated him because he acted so perfect with his blond hair and dark brown eyes. There was no way he was as innocent and perfect like he pretended to be. WE HAD TO KILL HIM!

It was a clear September night and Zak was in the parking lot of his university when I saw him. He was standing there still with his football gear on and opening the drivers door to his car. This was the perfect chance to fool him into giving me a ride "home". I walked up to Zak and gazed at him with my bright blue eyes and said:

"Hey Zak can you please give me a ride home, my friends ditched me"

"Um sure I guess, hop in", Zak said hesitantly. I knew he wouldn't decline me.

"Thank you so much!", I said enthusiastically. "I live by Polk Woods so just head that way".

"Alright, want to listen to some music?", Zak asked. "I've got some country CDs"

"Um, sure", I replied. I HATE country music, it is a sickening genre but I knew we would be to Polk Woods soon so I just sat there and endured it.

After 15 minutes of listening to awful country music we finally had reached our destination, little did Zak know that it would be his final destination.

"Um pull over here. My drive way is just a few steps up to road", I lied.

"Okay, let me open the door for you" Zak said as he got out of the car.

"Thanks", I replied while slipping on a pair of gloves and reaching for the knife in my purse. As Zak opened the passenger side door, I stepped out and slit his throat. I smiled as I watched the blood trickle from his jugular. I then hopped into his car and drove back to the university so I could get in my car then go home. Oh, I almost forgot that I threw his dreadful country CDs on his lifeless body. 

The voices were again very impressed with my kill.

                                                         THE DEATH OF AMY JONES         

I really do not know much about Amy, other than I saw her in a bar one night and I thought she would very easy to murder. Amy was very dumb to leave her drink just sit at the edge of the bar so I simply dumped enough Rohypnol for her to overdose. Stacy came back to the bar and finished her drink. A few moments later she started to violently hemorrhaging. I watched as the blood leak from her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. The voices in my head started cheering and laughing. Everyone in the bar started panicking and screaming. I simply just picked up my purse and left. The voices were pleased that I had taken another life.

Well that concludes all the deaths for this month but do not worry Diary I will kill more. I enjoy taking others lives. It pleases me and the voices in my my head.

                                                                     Until next time,


                                                                Andi the heartless.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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