"Well, at least I missed some of math." I muttered to myself, slowly walking down the corridor to my math class.

"...so, I'd like you all to Miss Brooks! She's the -" Mrs. Mitchell paused, and slightly glared at me. I looked at her awkwardly, "Uh, s...sorry...I was using the bathroom."

"Whatever. Take a seat now, please." she paused, and put a rude emphasis on the word please. I turned and rolled my eyes. I looked at the seat that was supposed to be mine to find a - I hate to admit it but - pretty, young woman sitting in my seat. I narrowed my eyes and she smiled deviously, but tried to hide it with a girly giggle.

"Hi, I'm the new student teacher." She said, perky. Ugh, a perky person. I could deal with them, but this girl seemed like a snoot.

"Then shouldn't you be at a desk instead of a student's seat?" I said, quite annoyed, but I was trying to hide it. She wasn't even sitting at the seat, though. She was sitting atop of the tabletop, twirling her hair and kicking her legs back and forth. I saw a few guys mooning over her. She had perfectly curled blonde hair, her obviously spray-tanned skin. It irked me how much of a plastic this girl was.

She sighed and did a slight pouty face, "I guess." She got up, her mini-skirt was riding up her ass and a whole bunch of guys were drooling over her. Ew.

And it pissed me off even more that Kellin looked interested in this bitch. He licked his lips subtly, but that didn't mean I didn't notice. He quickly put his tounge that was over his lips back into his mouth, probably hoping that I didn't notice.

Ms. Brooks - a.k.a. whore - winked at Kellin and slid a little piece of paper to him and walked her stupid little, pretty little face to the front of the class room. She wore a pink miniskirt, which was so short it should've been considered nudity, a white and pink striped slutty v-neck, and she was a total cake face. Her figure - I must admit - was in very well shape, though. I rolled my eyes.

I looked over to Kellin and his gaze was torn from the student-teacher towards me. He looked at me guiltily and bit his bottom lip, looking at me and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. I looked towards the board again and acted as if I didn't care. I was reading the note placed in Kellin's left fingers.

"Meet me outside the classroom after class? (; "

Whatever. She's just plainly a slut. I wonder how many other guys she tries to be "seductive" towards. Probably twenty a day. I tried to push back the thoughts and pay attention to the lesson.

I turned my attention towards the teachers.

"As I was saying, this is Miss Brooks." Mrs. Mitchell said, gesturing towards the student-teacher that was now known as "whore" in my mind.

She put on a big smile; her face was totally filled with botox, most likely, "Hi! I'm Miss Brooks, but some of you can call me Jeanie" She said, looking around the room, and then winking at Kellin. This infuriated me.

Why am I being so overprotective? Did I ever think I had a real chance with the human being that was the definition of perfection? I'm so stupid. Suddenly, I started to get choked up. I stood up in my seat without warning even myself, making "Jeanie" stop talking and look at me puzzled.

Mrs. Mitchell looked at me with slight annoyance and slight concern, "Miss Evans? Are you alright?" I couldn't speak. My words weren't able to come out no matter how hard I tried.

"Uh, Scarlett...?" I heard a familiar voice speak. Suddenly, everything was becoming blurry and I could only hear faint, concerned echoes.


I woke up in the nurse's office. Kellin was looking over me, at first, alarmed, but then relief took over his face and he hugged me.

"K-Kellin?" I managed to choke out. My throat was really dry, and my body felt numb.

He smiled, "Hey, you're alright."

"Wait, she's not dead?!" I heard Vic joke, popping out from behind Kellin.

My vision was finally cleared and I looked around the room, the nurse knocked on the door and walked in.

"Oh thank god you're okay. I was worried sick." She told me

"You were?" I wondered.

She nodded, "You're heart rate was really slow...your blood levels were down. Your body seemed lifeless!" she exclaimed.

Kellin put his chin on my forehead, I smiled.

"Well, I feel fine now." I said in a chuckle.

The nurse looked at my body with concern. I wasn't wearing my clothes; instead I was wearing a dull hospital robe.

She cleared her throat after Kellin stepped away from me and sat on a chair next to Vic.

"I'm very concerned about the bruises and cuts on you."

I swallowed hard. My dad was drunk the night before, and when I sneaked out to the kitchen to grab a soda, I received a hard beating.

Kellin cut in, "Uhm, yes. Well, it's just..." he went to whisper in the doctor's ear what happens and she nodded, her brows furrowed.

"We need to get her out of that environment..." she told Kellin quietly.

"Let's step outside for a few minutes." He said, walking out. I looked at Vic and he just shrugged.

~Kellin's POV

"Okay, so about getting her out of that environment. I'm going to invite her to move in with me. After school, I'm gonna get all of her stuff packed and get her out of there." I told the nurse, still quiet.

The thing is, I was already planning on that.

She smiled, "Alright. Well you're just lucky she can go home today."

I nodded, "I know." I said with a smile.

Looks like I'm not meeting that student-teacher anytime soon.


She seemed like a whore, so there's no loss there.



boring, very boring. the next chapter is better...thanks for reading! bai.

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