
When they finally  got home,Ray was slightly pissed with his Mum, so he went up to his room to play video games. Regina took the chance to call Stacy and invited her over to clear her mind. About thirty minutes later,Stacy arrived.
"Hi Stacy!"
"Hi G!" They both embraced and Stacy could feel her friend was really burdened.
"So what's up?"
"I have been around Henry for weeks now and I have pent up aggression  towards him but I have been unable to express it."
"Wow. So what went wrong today?"
"Henry stumbled upon Ray and I earlier today at the mall. He saw Ray for the first time. As I watched both of them communicate,I felt so scared and threatened. I don't want him to take Ray away from me."
"Shh! He won't. He can't! I mean he relinquished his rights years ago."
"I just hope so because I will die if Ray's taken away from me. I don't know what to do. I need serious counselling right now."
"Well,i think you just said the answer to your problem."
"You should see your pastor for counsel."
''No! You know I don't believe in telling strangers your stories and expecting them to give solutions "
"Believe me,it works. By the way, Pastor Jeremy ain't a stranger, is he?"
   At the sanctuary church, the massive structure lay welcoming. On service days,it was filled with different kinds of people,all with hope of redemption from God. The compound was surrounded with flowers which were tended by the pastor's wife. Pastor Jeremy had been pastoring the church since she moved into PH and was friends with Ray and herself. The church had openly accepted them without judging them although,a few had murmured at the beginning but majority had taken her in as family. Perhaps, this family could offer her some advice today.
  Seated across the table from her was Pastor Jeremy, the ever patient man,waiting for her to speak. He was dark and slightly huge with an authoritative and fatherly air about him that people like and respect him.
"Sister Regina, what is it you want to say?''
"This is difficult. I shouldn't have come."
"You just have to trust and confide in me."
"He's back! Ray's father."
"Back? I thought you didn't have any contact with him."
"I didn't. Some weeks ago,he just showed up at the office. Turns out he's the new owner of the company."
"What's wrong? Is he threatening you?"
"Not literally. But his presence is. I don't want to lose Ray. Ten years ago,he walked out on me.His mother and himself denied my pregnancy. I needed his support but he wasn't there. It's not like I was asking him to marry me. We were young and stupid but I just needed his help. All these years, it's been difficult. Going to school, working, alongside raising Raymond."She couldn't stop the tears anymore.
You know what, one time when Ray was seven,he was asked to design a project about his family. My baby didn't have anything about his father. His mates mocked him. He asked me why his family had to be different. I had to tell a seven year old that his dad was never going to be in the picture. It hurt to see my son hurt. Now everything is running smoothly, he's coming back. That's just what I don't need. I just hate him so much! Don't you think I deserve to hate him? At least, a little?"
"My child I understand you are hurt. But hating him won't help. Remember Jesus said you should forgive your neighbour seventy times seven. You are to love your neighbour just as Christ has loved you. Even when Peter betrayed him,he still loved him.
You have to forgive and give this young man a second chance. At least hear him out.
" No! That's easy for you to say. I faced the pain. I faced the challenges. I_"
She broke down even more.
"Let go dear. Let it go to Jesus."
"No! Not yet. I can't just let go. It's not that simple. I have to go." With that, she thanked the pastor and ran out of the church.
"I don't deserve this! Nor does my son." She muttered as she drove away.

Henry needed some elderly advice and that was why he had even considered counselling. To him, this was meant for the movies. Good thing his old buddy,Pastor Jeremy had been transferred to  PH city. They had met during his NYSC days at Abuja. He always had something to say. Something that could lift up his spirit. He smiled and walked over to his buddy when he spotted him seated at the front row of seats.
"Pastor J!"
"Ah! Henry! I can't believe I'm seeing you!"
"Well I was in the neighborhood and I thought, why don't I go see my friend. How's the family?"
"The Lord is always good to us. My wife is at the house while my kids are at their friends'.
" Great. "
"Hmm... Henry it's been quite a while though. What really brings you here?"
"Nothing really." He breathed with difficulty
"Everything actually. I need help right now."
"What is it?"
After Henry took his seat,he began his tale.
"About ten years ago, I messed up real bad . I had a relationship with this lady of which a pregnancy resulted. I was too cowardice to accept my responsibility and with the aid of my mother, I chickened out. All these years, I have been trying my best to move on and forget my miserable past but then when I came here, I stumbled across this lady. Turns out she had the baby, she's really mad at me. She hates me."
"Have you tried apologizing and talking things through with her?"
"She wouldn't even give me a chance. She despises me so much, she won't let me near the boy."

"You can't blame her. If I were in her shoes,I will probably do the same. You hurt her real bad. To think you left her when she needed you most. I know someone who happens to have shared the same plight of the lady in question. So I can tell what she's feeling. She is threatened by your presence."
"Threatened? But I'll never hurt her or our son." Henry was dismayed. Why would she ever  think such?
"You can't just expect her to forgive you and let you back into their lives. But I can tell you what you can do. Pray. Pray that God forgives you and help her to forgive you. Also,don't hurt yourself with guilt. Remember,he that is in Christ is a new creature. Old things are passed away and behold all things have become new. You need to forgive yourself and give her time to heal."
After their discussion, Henry greeted the pastor's wife and had dinner with them. He found himself envying the the couple and wishing for what they shared. After dinner, Pastor Jeremy escorted Henry to his car. After Henry got in, the pastor reached behind him and brought out a handbill.
"Here give this to her. Invite her for this programme of ours . I would like to meet her."
"Thanks. For everything. I'll see you tomorrow,second service." Henry replied collecting the paper and drove away.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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