Chapter 4

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"Here honey, try this out. It's different." Regina fed her son a new flavour of cotton candy but the kid squeezed his face in distaste. They were in the mall for their usual mother-son bonding time. Regina had come up with this  since when Ray was a baby,it was a time for just herself and her son. She had  promised to always be available for Ray, if for anything, at least to make up for his lacked parent. Ray reached for his drink and gulped a mouthful.
"Thanks but no, thanks. I'll stick to the old one. I don't like it."
"Hmmm... You are so anti-change now aren't you?"
"I obviously am. Now I wonder where I got that habit from. Mum, i mean, you are Change personified!"
"Wow! Now that's a declaration!" They both laughed. But Regina need not think long before knowing whom he had inherited that trait from. Enjoying the rejected cotton candy, she gazed at passers-by when her gaze was captured by someone. Talk of the devil, was she hallucinating or was she actually seeing the source of her son's nasty trait.
   Henry had spotted them from afar. He knew he shouldn't but he just couldn't compel himself not to go and meet them. His mind was filled with so many thoughts. Could that his child. His son! The kid had favoured his mother's light skinned complexion. He knew Regina would virtually eat him up by virtue of the cold expression on her face.
Looking down at the candy like something poisonous, she felt super angry. What was he doing here? "Oh crazy question!" She muttered under her breath. This was a mall after all. But suddenly she realised how small her  world had become with Henry's return.
The boy turned to see what had caused his  Mum's change in disposition and Henry was struck with a light-skinned younger version of himself. Especially the eyes.
"Hi Regina!" He brought himself to say when he finally got to her table.
"And this would be...'' He smiled down at the kid but was cut off by Regina's cold reply." My son." She couldn't have emphasised the possessiveness more in her words than she did.
"Hi kiddo, what's your name?"
"I'm Raymond, but people call me Ray. Mum who's he?"
"Huh?" Regina brought herself back from the strange world of fear she had been thrust into, seeing father and son so close and noticing the strong resemblance. Even a stranger could have bet his life on the relationship between both males.
"He's my new boss. Raymond,this is Mr. Henry."
"Henry? Oh! I know! This is the one who replaced Uncle Fidelis."
"Yeah. The same one." Regina nervously scratched her hair.
"Hmmmm... I'm the one ehh? Seems someone has been talking about me huh?"
"Don't be deluded,I just told him the Company got sold cos he's kinda close to my former employer."
"You should join us,I'm sure my mummy won't mind." Ray cut in,settling the built up atmosphere or rather worsening it for Regina.
"Uh... No! I think he has something to do. Right sir?" Regina a hurriedly objected.
"Actually... I don't." Henry smiled as he took his seat. He knew he was crossing the lines. But he really wanted to.
"So do you know anyone else who looks like you?" Ray asked getting back his attention. The kid was earnestly staring at him.
Oh boy! This kid was smart. Henry carefully thought about what he should say. He didn't want Regina to make any move he would regret for this stunt he pulled.
"Uhm...anyone like me?"
"Your eyes, I meant. We've got  same unique eye colour."
Damn! Ray had noticed. Gina thought to herself regretfully.
"Oh! It runs in my family. My dad said one of our ancestors was a white woman. He replied looking directly at Regina,knowing she was recalling the time she had asked that same question.
" Mum! Do you think we might be related? Wow! This will be like those adventurous cartoons, we could even hire a detective. Maybe carry out an investigation. What if we..."
"Ray, stop it! You want to know where you got that eye  colour from? God gave it to you  because you are special." Regina  quickly put in. She had to stop her son's imagination from running wild.
Henry admired the way she explained to her son. She was a good mother,he could tell.
"Henry can I have a word with you? In private." She walked a few paces from Ray and then addressed Henry.
"Look here! I don't want you putting ideas in my Son's head. He's lived without you all his life. He doesn't need you now either. So just stay away from him! You have been doing that well all these year anyway."
"Reg,I didn't_" But giving him a listening ear was the last thing on her mind. She brushed past him and went to her table to gather her things.
"Ray we'll leave now."
"But we just got here. Won't we even eat our meal?"
"You can do that in the car or at home. We have spent some time here already."
"But Mummy "fun-time" expires five-thirty. It's just four-thirty."
"Sweetheart could you stop nagging,it's not my fault traffic was bad and that queue wasted our time."
"Mummy please."
"I've got work to do Ray."
"What a spoil sport!" He muttered under his breath.
"Raymond!" She gave him a warning look. At this point Henry couldn't help but intervene.
"Ray,your mum's right. She has work to do. She will make it up to you.I'll see you later kiddo."
"It was nice meeting you."
"You too,son."
This time, it was Henry Regina glared at. But he didn't mind. He had finally met his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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