Chapter 9 traveling part 1

Start from the beginning

"Arlert what do you remember about your childhood with Eren?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean did he every act weird in a way that wasn't Eren." I responded. Armin stood there for a few minutes thinking about my question. He finally sighed saying not that he had noticed except the one night when he stayed at his place how his mother scolded him from trying to go into her private basement. That he would argue about her coming home late at night for weird reason. I nodded as I thanked him then watched him leave. Eren's mom must of went out at night to feed on blood and Eren began to noticed it then started to begin thinking on what she could be hiding. I picked up the dairy and began to read again.

~dairy entry 3~
Today was my little girls birthday along with Eren's. God how five years have passed since I saw my little girl. I put on a fake smile for Eren as he smiled bright at his adoptive sister Mikasa. She looked so much like Kuchel. But anyway my sweet little Rose will be ten just like my little Eren. God she must be lonely in the castle all by herself. Rose never really made friends. She was always by Eren's and him by hers. The two did everything together and on their birthday they would sing this silly cute song they made up together. It's quiet now in the house since I just put the kids to bed. My husband wasn't even here to celebrate his own son's birthday. What kind of man did I fall in love with? I am so sorry my darling Rose. If you ever find this and read it. No I am so so sorry and I love you more then life it's self.

I quickly close the book glaring down at it. I had read the last day and I'm guessing the day after was the day she died because there was no more entries. I looked towards the tents flaps hearing Arlert and Hanji laughing at something as I sat in here. I decided to get some sleep since we will be traveling in the morning.

~Levi's dream~

I was in a room that was beautiful. I looked down to see me dressed in a tux. I heard footsteps behind me making me turn around to see Eren smiling at me.

"I must say you look amazing." Eren said.

I couldn't help the blush that came to my cheeks as I walked over to him. He truly did look like royalty with his pin strip tux. Eren offered his hand to me asking for this dance. I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Brat what are talking about there's no music?!" I muttered.

I glared at his cocky smirk as he snapped his fingers. Music began to fill the room. Eren bowed asking for this dance. The rooms lights began to dim as we danced. How I wished this was true and I wasn't dreaming this up. Eren kisses the top of my head making me glare at him with a blush.

"Why do you torture me Levi? I'm dangerous and yet you keep wanting to find me." Eren whispered into my ear making me shiver.

"I know what you are Eren and I don't give a damn! You could be the prince of kittens and I would still love you my vampire prince." I answered, smirking as I saw his shocked face. He sighed before smiling with a soft chuckle. I saw a lustful/loving look in his eyes making me worry about what was going to happen.

"Then you must know that in my family us males are very dominant, protective, and rough with our mates." Eren purred, into my ear making my eyes widen as he nibbled on my neck a little. I couldn't stop the small moan that escaped my lips. As we kept dancing Eren kept teasing my neck. God how I wanted him to take me right here and now.

"Eren please tell me how to get to you." I asked. I wanted to be with him no matter what the price of it may be. Eren sighed after pulling away from my neck. I looked up to see him lost in thought as looked into my eyes. I could see the worry, want, love, and longing in his eyes; so what was holding him back from us being together.

"Are you sure this is what you want? To be with me? You would have to watch all our friends die of old age and drink human blood." Eren asked, with serious eyes. I bite my lip as I looked down at the ground. He had a point, but I know I wasn't going to regret my choose. I smirked up at him with a playfully glare.

"If I didn't know any better I would say your afraid I would be a better vampire then you." I joked.

Eren busted out laughing as he pulled me closer to him. God how I missed that laugh of his and his smile. He smirked down at me placing his forehead against mine. Eren told me that Ceil will show me the way to him and that he would be waiting for him to arrive. Eren softly kissed my lips as I kissed back with a smirk before whimpering when he pulled away.

"I will see you soon my love." Eren whispered, as he nibbled my neck quickly before pulling away.

"See you soon my Eren." I whispered, watching him disappear from my sight.

~end of dream~

I woke to the yelling of Hanji to wake up so we could get moving. I glared at Hanji as I came out of the tent. There went my fucking good mood because of her. Hanji tried to tackle me in a hug but I quickly dodge and began to pack up my stuff. I noticed Ceil and Nisa looking at me with teasing eyes making me look at them confused.

"Um corporal Ackerman. Why do you have a hickey on your neck?" Arlert asked, with a blush as he looked down on the ground. Hanji busted out laughing as she handed me a small mirror. I looked over my neck to see a black, blue, and purple mark on my neck. I cursed Eren for leaving a mark on me. I told them to shut up and pack up or I would leave their asses behind.

**I am so sorry! I've been super busy! Plus re-writing this over and over again to make sure it was good enough for you again. Plus with trying to get school stuff together and my life it's just been super crazy plus me re watching the series over again and reading the manga as well. Please know I don't own anything besides the storyline and my character Rose Jaeger Ja ne!**

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