"This isn't good," whispered Frank, leaning over to talk to Sirius and the other Marauders. His eyes were dark with worry. "You don't reckon they were coming after us?"

Sirius's eyes darkened. "Like revenge."

"Yeah, exactly," Frank said lowly.

Sirius stared at the table; the Death Eaters could be looking for him, he thought. They could be there to avenge Eileen Prince, to kill the boy who killed one of their own... What if that was exactly what had given them the gumption to attack so close under Dumbledore's nose? What if all those people - fifteen and counting! - were dead because of him, Sirius? He suddenly felt extremely dizzy, like the entire world was spinning and he needed to vomit and he shoved himself up from the house table and ran out of the room.

Frank looked surprised, "What was that on about?"

"Dunno, but I'm finding out --" James started to get up to go after Sirius, but Remus shook his head and waved his hand for James to sit.

"I know. You lot stay here. I'll take care of him."

At the Slytherin table, Regulus Black had watched his brother run from the room and he wondered what was wrong. Part of him wanted to go after Sirius to see if he was alright, but he didn't move. 

On his way out, Sirius nearly slammed into Evan Rosier, who was coming in late to dinner from the dungeons. "Watch where you're bloody going," he sneered. It was a mark of how upset Sirius was - and how close to throwing up - that he didn't pause to snap back at the Slytherin, but kept going until he was out the door and began to wretch loudly over the side of the stairs into the brush that lined the castle.

When Remus came hurtling around the frame of the door next, though, he really did collide with Rosier and they both stumbled backward from the impact. Evan glowered, "What the bloody hell is with people running out this door ---" and then he saw who it was and he grinned maliciously. "Oi, Puffer Fish, you on your way to comfort your puking little boyfriend? What'd he do? Have a look at your ugly, hacked-up face?" Remus didn't answer, he just stepped around Evan and went on toward the front door, which had caught slightly opened in its jam, letting in the cold air as well as the sound of Sirius's heaving. Evan laughed, "I know that face of yours makes me want to puke... You're just so bloody ugly!"

"Go on. Say that again." Lily had just come up from the dungeons stairs as well, Severus Snape, wincing at the light of the entrance hall, right behind her, holding her hand, even...

Rosier's eyebrows went up. "Oh my - the mudblood and the halfblood, you lot are a grand couple aren't you?"

Lily's voice shook, "Watch your filthy mouth, Rosier."

Evan Rosier laughed and held up his hand as Lily drew her wand. "Sorry, blimey a guy's just headed to dinner," he smirked as he backed into the Great Hall... but he looked at Remus as he did... and made an obscene gesture with his thumb in his mouth, and winked, before ducking 'round the corner.

Lily glowered.

"He's absolutely terrible," she growled, looking to Remus, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just -- Sirius --" Remus waved to the door and he hurried out to comfort Sirius, who had sunk to sit on the rock.

Severus stared after Remus's disappearing back. "That boy is strange," he commented.

"What? Remus?" Lily's voice carried an edge, "No he isn't. He's one of the best --"

The Marauders: Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now