One Mistake part 2

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   Niall's POV

Alanna left me. She's gone. The words kept playing my head."I hope your happy beating your pregnant girlfriend!"

I grabbed my phone and called Morgan.  "Hello?" "Morgan it's Niall!"

"Niall don't call me. She looks like she was hit by a car thanks to you. "I know and I'm really sorry. "Just don't call or Alanna again." She then hung up.

"Shit!" I yelled and threw my phone on the couch. I just lost my princess. Probably forever.

    Morgan's POV

Alanna looks horrible. I brought to mine and Harry's house.

 "Harry can you please get me the first aid kit?" "Of course Morgan," he kissed my lips and went upstairs.

  Poor Alanna, she just lost her boyfriend. "Morgan" Alanna said cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" "I-I'm," she stuttered. "You're what?"  "I'm pregnant," she said bluntly. "YOU'RE WHAT?!?!?!

She stepped back and whimpered. "I'm sorry," she whimpered again.

I walked over to a wall and punched really hard. Then Harry yelled coming down the stairs, "What was that?"

"Nothing," I mutter and took the first aid kit. "I'm sorry," Alanna said as I put the last bandage on her face.

 "It's not your fault. I'm gonna kill Niall," Harry  mutteredThen Harry phones went off. He picked it up and said,

"It's Niall."

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