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Christian, Mason, Abe and I waited patently for rose to arrive home. While she was gone we did a little digging of our own and got some insight into Topic. We didn't have to wait long it was a maximum of a hour. She walked through the door with a Dimitri.

It looked like a set up from roses point of view but in reality it was anything but. We all had something important to tell her and it couldn't wait.

I said, "rose we all need to talk all of us"

She said, "sure Liss what about?"

I replied,"I got some Intel from victor and let's just say he will be coming for you soon if you survive "

Dimitri and she yell, "survive what?? "

Alberta said, " there's good and bad news"

Rose asked,"bad news"

I reply, "you will live longer and watch everyone you love die and you can ever die


I was stunned all my friends would die.... I would live forever.... No mace....or Eddi.... Or Adrian.... Or mia....or even Dimitri they'd all die what would become of Damon, Andrei and Irena or Lissa's and Chrissy's kids.

Lissa continued, " you can turn moroi, Dhampirs and strigoi into kopic's into but only you can nobody else."

I thought to Lissa, 'any positive things?'

Lissa thought back, 'platinum blocks the bond do me and cris could do things and you wouldn't see those freaky eyes trough eyes thing only if you push into my head.'

I spoke aloud, "do I have a choice?"

Lissa said, "no"

Adrian grasped, " her aura is changing"

Lissa yells, " its more like disappearing "

I say in a yelling tone, "what do......"

The darkness consumed me and I fell to the ground.

I saw rose fall I moved lightning and caught her before she hit the ground she fainted Lissa directed me to a room and put her gently on it.

I am worried she is my reason for everything... Above all she is soul...soulmate.

Rose fell and that bloody warlord had caught her before she fell and before we all knew any better. Lissa showed him to roses room he gently laid her bed.

I said, "belikov you should leave she wouldn't want you here with her kids"

Dimitri argued," I will not leave my roza"

I replied,"you left her before and it broke her when she returned she has 3 kids to think about. She doesn't Need this in her life. she has kids that need her to be grounded and in control."

He dipped his head. He was silently letting the crystal like tears slip from her eyes and fall down her cheeks.

I said, "no offence and I don't want to rub salt into the wound but rose doesn't need those who call them selves her sister and her soulmate making it any harder on her. I don't think she'll flee but she won't be the rose we all know and love just give her some space."

With that he turned, when he reached the door he spun and turned to face me.

He said, "if Lissa hadn't of spoken out of tern then she might never have had left and those kids wouldn't exist it'd just be me and my roza"

With that he left. I sat in the chair and eventually drifted off to sleep. I don't remember how many hours, minutes, seconds or days passed put I awoke to Damon roses son shaking me.

Damon said, "uncle macey"

I replied, "Damon what's wrong?"

He replied, "I'm worried about mum when will she wake?"

I replied, "your mum had a huge fright but she'll be back do you want to wait here until she wakes?"

He nods frantically and. Sits on my lap and rests his head on my chest.

I asked," would you mind if I asked you a question?"

He replied,"sure I trust you"

I said , "  who's your dad?"

He replied, "Dimitri elloit belikov"

I was shocked absolutely I replied," have you ever met him"

He replied,"my mother told us when we first started asking questions. We grew up with my fathers side as well as my mums dad. We never met our father till that dinner and mum confirmed it when she gasped "

I replied, " you need to get some sleep or your mum won't be real happy that you haven't been sleeping"

He nodded and snuggled deeper into my chest in a few minutes he was a sleep. I walked into their room and layers him in his empty bed and went back to rose. When I entered the room I saw Dimitri he was speaking to rose.

Dimitri said,"my roza I'm so sorry I pushed you away I thought you were too good for me,I thought I couldn't love, I thought you were just saying you forgave me so I'd forgive my self and I thought I'd only hurt you. Now I know the only way to hurt you was to push you away and lie about my feelings as if they'd ever fade the truth is my love will never fade. You are my everything. You are the other part of me that makes me better"

He placed a kiss on her forehead and turned and saw me and walked out without a word. I walked in and sat down.

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