Raise The Flag Part 16

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You dance the dance

Of a worriors heart

But to persu a cause

That has hidden flaws

What could have been

Should have been

But because it has not been

Hate is now seen

It was all yours

The diamond mines

The grazing fields

Even the meadow flowers

But you were blind to these showers

If your eyes knew more

Then they would not have come

To freely take

What never was theirs

To fake

For you are

And always have been

The rightful heirs

The drums are beating

As this ground is shaking

Through the sound of feet stomping

For the spirits of this land

Are restless

In need of

Rightful change

Flaming hearts

lay down your red flags

Throw them in the fire

As if they were rags

Weave new cloths

And paint them a different colour

Raise them in the villages

In the Suburbs

In the taxi ranks

In parliament

On the beach

Wherever they may reach

Let them be white

For they will declare

The end of this fight

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