Upon My Mantelpiece Part 5

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When you brought them home that day,

I smiled,

It was not as though I was expecting them,

More like a feeling of wow,

Never before did I see them,

Though they might have been small,

And only just a few,

It meant the world

That you got them for me,

Don't know how,

Don't know who,

Really doesn't matter where u got them,

It was just the fact,

That you brought them home,

when I never expected you to,

Thank you,

Even if years have gone by,

And they were never here,

Thank you,

Even if it be for only this time,

That I will ever lay eyes upon them,

Thank you,

Upon my show cabinet they lay,

looking pale and drained,

Not like the day they came,

But although they may look of no worth to you,

To me they mean the world,

thank you. '


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