Chapter 1: City of Walls

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Chapter 1: City of Walls


I stood at the top of the guard tower and looked down at my home.

"Taking in the view one last time?" My father questioned.

"As much as I can't wait to leave, I'm going to miss this view." I answered.

My dad stepped up and dropped his arm protectively over my shoulders. "Your mother and I are going to miss you so much. But I know that it's something you want to do, and we don't want to hold you back."

"Mom isn't too happy about it." I sighed.

"Well your mother is worried about you heading out into Illantara alone." My dad replied softly.

"But I won't be alone I will have Olis and I will be meeting up with Nyra."I reassured him.

"I have faith in you I have watched you train with some of my toughest guys. You are a powerful mage and your mother knows that, but she is still your mom. Don't worry she will be fine your old enough to make this choice. And I don't blame you for wanting to step outside these walls and see what's out there." My dad smiled.

"Thanks dad I'm going to miss this place but I'm also excited." I admitted.

"Well kiddo let's get down from here you have other goodbyes to make." he said as he ushered me forward.

We climb down the ladder and waiting lined up on both sides was the district one guards.

"You didn't think you would leave without a proper goodbye from us did you." they all said simultaneously.

They all begin to do the Walls salute as my dad, and I walked down the line of guards.

One by one they each slowly closed their fist and brought their arms up slowly. Then then they place their closed fist over their chest and banged on their chest lightly. It was sign of respect for a brother or sister of war, battle, and of protection and most of all a bond. I bit my lip making sure to not let a tear fall from my eyes as I repeated the salute along with my dad.

"Don't you dare forget about all of us."

"Make sure you come visit when you make it big."

"Stay safe but enjoy yourself out there." And each one of them had a little bit of advice to give. I felt a little overwhelmed this place was my home it was all I had known. City of Walls was located at the border of Illantara it was the protection that kept enemies out. Illantara had its problems but the walls made sure to monitor who comes in.

After a huge war that left Illantara in shambles the wall was built, and it was a huge deal. It was before I was born but everyone knew that the Walls wrapped around the entire Illantara which wasn't easy to do. Each part of Walls was split in six districts and each one was like a city and it was basically full of the army and their families and other people had come to the wall over time. Only high-top level personal even know what is beyond the walls because there are sixteen to be exact. A spiral of walls and inside the last eight walls housed all the people. The Walls didn't change the fact that this place was great, and it was because of Queen Aurora.

The reason my mom was so worried about me leaving the Walls is because not every city is so great.

But even knowing that I can't stop wanting to see what is out there for myself.

"Hey, you alright?" my dad questioned as we walked.

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking about all the amazing things I have experienced here." I smiled.

"And now you get to go out and experience so much more!" my dad exclaimed.

"Yeah and if I don't go say goodbye to Rora  I won't make it because she will kill me." I chuckled.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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