i love you

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i once told someone that being with them felt like temporary heaven. it was true, until that heaven got overtaken by shadows of insecurities and lies.

i'm not going to tell you the same thing. i'm not going to compare you to heaven, since i have no idea of how it is, how it could change, or if i'll ever be worthy enough to find out for myself.

however, i'm going to tell you, right now, that being with you, feels like the world. you're my sunrise and sunset, my skies and my seas, my mountains and rivers. you're the air that i breath, the clouds i see, the breeze i feel. you're everything i've ever seen, heard, touched, smelt, and tasted.

you're not perfect, as is the world, but you're beautiful, and you're mine. i don't love you because i think that; i think that because i love you.

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