Everyone sick- for luke_is_my__penguin

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"I managed to get Niall's fever down before we came over, it'll probably be back up soon and then you'll see." He shook his head again, "what about Harry?"

"Woke me up this morning, told me he didn't feel well and then threw up over the edge of the bed," you replied, remembering the mess you'd had to clean up. Not fun. Necessary, but not fun.

The lingering smell was the reason that you were in the lounge instead of the bedroom.

"Sorry for crashing the party," Liam croaked with a lazy smile. The sound of his voice shocked you. The poor guy's throat must've been completely shredded.

"It wasn't exactly a good party in the first place." You shrugged, "I'll go grab you a drink."

You left the room and headed to the kitchen, clipping your hip on a chair with a huffed curse on the way. You thought about readying a glass of water before you had a better idea and instead fulled up a few drink bottles for each of the boys and yourself, writing names on them with a black marker so that more germs wouldn't be spread around. 

You and Louis were still healthy, and you didn't want for the entire house to be full of sick people.

You tucked the bottles under your armpit and went back to the living room. Liam forced another grin as you handed him the bottle, "thanks."

"No worries, just take little sips though." You ran your eyes over his peaky features, pink cheeks and glossy eyes, "how are you feeling?"

"Fine," Liam replied and Louis let out a puff of air, "where would I find a bucket?"


"The word fine can never be trusted." 

You looked to Liam, realising that Louis was probably right. Fine usually meant anything but.

You could tell he was about to put up a fight, declaring that he was perfectly okay but instead when he opened his mouth he started coughing and you thought that he might be about to be sick. You were about to tell Louis about the bucket in the cupboard down the hall when it died down and Liam took another careful sip of his water.

 You glanced over at Harry, seeing that he'd managed to sleep through that all somehow.

"You were saying?" Louis snipped but there was a sympathetic undertone to his voice. Liam just cleared his throat and pulled his sleeves down over his hands.

"There's a bucket in the second cupboard on the left in the hallway Lou, I think it's best we bring it in here," you said and Louis nodded before going off to grab it. 

You grabbed a couple of the blankets that were stored in the shelves on the far wall and laid one top of Niall, keeping in mind what Louis had said about fever, and then a couple on top of Liam. He rasped a quick thanks and closed his eyes.

Louis brought the bucket into the room and paused, wondering where it should be put.

"Just on the cabinet, we can get to it if we need it," you said.

"Now what?"

You shrugged. There were three ill boys in your house and sure you knew the basics of looking after somebody with a stomach flu but after that, you really didn't have much of a clue."Temp check?"

"Got a thermometer?"

You waved it in the air, "right here." It had been on the coffee table where you'd put it after Harry had used it.

 Louis glanced at you, breaking the silence while you waited for the thermometer under Liam's arm to beep, "you must be as lucky as hell."

Before you could ask him to explain further he carried on, "back at my place it was absolutely chaotic, I feel like you're judging me for not being able to handle two sleeping guys. I promise you, it was far worse before."

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