Wait, What ?

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Eli's POV

I walk up up her, "Yeah, I kinda from there too, but I don't we should talk loudly about this. Some people think your crazy".

"I think I'm already crazy. There's a world beneath our feet", she said.

"Between you and me, I know right!".

She giggle a bit and shook her head.

"So you're a Shane. What is that?", she ask.

"A Shane is like the protector of the caverns", I answer.

"Wow, you have a lot of caverns to protect".

"Yeah, hey could we ask you a question?", I ask while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sure, ask away. As long nobody hurts me and my siblings", she said.

Nurul's POV

These guys know about the Surface wow, I can't believe it. And the protector of the caverns is for there too. I have to admit he's kinda cute.

"First, which country you come from", he ask.

"We came from a land where we were conquer by everyone in the world for the last more than 495 years and it's called Malaysia", I answer harshly.

"Wow, your so what country, is conquer of more than 400 years?", Trixie asks.

I nodded my head. "Well, how old are you?", he ask me.

"I'm 15", I answer.

"Well at least someone is the same age as me".

I just rolled my eyes.

"So, why you guys leave the Surface?", Kord ask.

"A lot of reasons", I answer.

"Well you can tell us all about it at the hideout", said Eli.

"Eli, we can't bring them to the hideout. She just defeat us in hand to hand combat", said Trixie. Okay this girl is getting on my nerves.

"We can and we will, come on follow me", he said as he takes my hand. I bush and quickly pull my hand away.

"What's wrong?".

"Nothing, its just. For me, in our religion rules, I can't have skin contact with boys", I said.

"Really?", he smirked. He's thinking of something.

He then grab my waist and kiss me on the cheek. He lets go of me and I blush so hard. Then I slap him right in the face.

"Don't ever do that again", I said.

"Why? You like it", he said and smirked again. I actually like it, but he just broke a rule. And as much I wanted more of his embrace, I can't.

"No, I didn't like it at all", I lied.

He then came closer to me and whisper in my ear that made me shiver, "Well let see about that".

I look back at his team and my siblings. Their faces was priceless. They're dumbfound that Eli would do to me.

"Well, come on. We're heading back to the hideout", that make they snap back into reality.

"Umm.... how are we gonna get there?", I ask.

"By our mechas", he said .

I gesture for my brothers and sister to follow me. This is going to be a long day.

Rules of Religions in SlugTerra Book 1: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now