1.19 Dresses and Promises

Start from the beginning

"Ok, what's wrong?" Miya urged as she stepped onto the escalator in front of the other two. Allison had been quiet the whole ride there and although she let out a slight chuckle at some of the girls comments, it wasn't the same.

"Nothing's wrong - I've just got a lot on my mind."

Rolling her eyes Lydia smiled at the girls; "You could at least smile. Ever heard the saying: 'Never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile. Smile Allison, I'm buying you a dress; that include you Miya." Miya rolled her eyes smiling as she stepped off the escalator.

"Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected." Allison admitted smiling at the strawberry blonde.


"But not as much as I'm going to ask."

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia asked confused as they stepped off the escalator themselves. Miya's eyes furrowed as well at what Allison was implying.

"It means you're going to dump whatever-roided up jock, you said yes to and you're going to go with someone else." Lydia looked at Miya who shrugged her shoulders turning back to the taller brunette.


"Him." Allison gestured, smiling over at the perfume counter where Stiles now stood. He had picked up a perfume bottle accidentally spritzing it into his face before sneezing erratically. Miya's eyes widened before she hurriedly walked off attempting to keep as much distance between herself and Stiles and Stiles. It was for his own safety if she wasn't anywhere near him and if he was here so was Scott which meant so was Peter.

"You rushed off rather suddenly." Allison commented as she began searching through racks of dresses. Miya hummed flicking through random dresses that she knew would never suit her. Realising Stiles and Lydia had walked closer to the racks she know stood at, Stiles attempted to talk to the brown eyes that took his breath away. She however, saw him coming and dodged away to find dresses that suited her better.

She had flicked through several racks before she returned to Allison, still pondering over the dresses she held in her hands. "Hey Ali, what do you think of this one?" Miya smiled holding a blue dress against her frame for Allison to see. The smell of nerves and partial fear washed over her from Allison as she flicked her eyes around to see Peter standing beside her.

"I would honestly go with the white. It makes your skin glow; don't you think?" Peter replied making his way over to Miya to hold up the white dress against her figure. Allison looked over the girl giving an awkward smile before a brief nod. Stepping away from him Miya eyed Allison towards the shoes section of the store, to escape the unpredictable werewolf.

"You're not here alone, are you?" Before Miya could intercept with a comment he cut her off; "Shopping for dresses - with friends. High School dance."

"Formal." Miya intercepted, stepping protectively in front of Allison. Noticing her change in demeanor Peter chuckled. Assassins weren't supposed to make bonds with those around them on assignments, but it seemed although Derek may have asked for the best, she was having trouble separating herself from those around her.

"Attention shoppers. The owner of a blue Mazda, license plate 5768. Your car is being towed." Allison muttered something under her breath about the car before taking off to the parking lot, but not without patting Miya on the shoulder as an indication that she would be back. Peter chuckled watching her leave.

"I have to say, Scott, I continue to be impressed with your ingenuity. Just remember - you can't be everywhere all the time." Miya rolled her eyes at his attempt of intimidation, before making her way towards the shoes section of the store. "I thought assassins weren't supposed to make bonds or have they changed that rule?"

"No, that is the rule." Miya huffed through gritted teeth, hoping he would soon get to the point of the conversation.

"Then, why I wonder, do you seem to be so close with these children." Peter continued picking up a pair of rose gold shoes and inspecting them. "You do understand what the punishment is I presume."

"There is no punishment; it is simply a memory wipe." Miya growled turning to face the wolf, snatching the shoes from him.

"But isn't that more torment, knowing you have forgotten someone." Peter continued to torment her, staring off behind her; his smirk widening by the second. Pinching her chin he turned her head to be facing the buzz cut boy helping Lydia with her dresses. Closing her eyes Miya forced the smile that threatened to expose itself back down into a neutral expression. "Knowing there is some sort of void inside you that you have no idea how to fill." Peter was cut short, when Miya placed both hands on his chest shoving him away from her.

Turning around, Miya stormed off towards the changing room to try on the dress an shoes; attempting to ignore Stiles, as she knew Peter was right.

Leaving Beacon Hills she would have her memory erased and the walls that had been broken down would be fixed; but there would always be spots that she would never be able to fill.


"Tell her - anything and everything you want." Miya stopped just outside the door, waiting for Scott and his mother Melissa to finish talking.


"But when you do - I'd keep that buttoned."

"Don't worry Melissa, I'll make sure of it." Scott's eyes widened as he stared at the tan girl in front of him. She was wearing a white sleeveless dress that hung from her neck,covered in lace around her bodice, until it ended mid-thigh. She was definitely taller now that she was wearing the rose gold heels, and her hair laid down her back in it's natural curls, with a small braid down the side of her head. She was practically glowing and the way everything fit her made her look phenomenal. It surprised Scott as he didn't believe that she wouldn't be attending the formal that night.

"You look absolutely stunning Miya." Melissa gasped taking hold of Miya's hands and having her spin around for a better view.

"Thanks Melissa, thought I at least had to try." They laughed as Miya hugged Melissa before stepping out of the room.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked astonished at her very presence.

"I promised Allison that I would find a way to get you in." She shrugged smiling at the young wolf. Nodding his head he walked over and hugged the girl tightly. Mild shock over took her sense before she wrapped her arms around him in return.

"I'm glad you're here." Scott whispered before pulling away.

"So am I. Now put some pants on, you've got a formal to crash." Just watching her Scott knew there was something different. When he first met Miya she was closed off, deceptive and overall just wanted to get her mission done; but from just looking at the way she smiled and acted at that very moment he knew something had changed. She was enjoying the time she was getting to spend in Beacon Hills and he knew someone else that was going to enjoy the night with her.


Tapping from the side window startled Allison as she jumped from the surprise of seeing Miya standing in front of the window pointing up at the school roof. There stood Scott attempting to sneak his way into the dance just as Miya had promised, but when she turned to thank her Miya had disappeared completely from sight.



Hey guys,

So I've had a lot of spare time recently and have got a few chapters in progress. From my rough calculations there should be about 2 chapters left until I start season 2.

If you saw the message on my page I may get to finish season 1 these holidays as I will post around 2 chapters a week unless I don't get to. When I go back to school I should get one out once a month. If I don't though it's because I have been busy with exams.

So, continue to cote, comment and enjoy the story.

EH xx

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