♥Chapter 42

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*Kings pov*

After I had all my stuff in a truck ready to go wherever the hell I was going I went to Ebonys

I wasn't planning on getting back with her or nothing but we grieving together.  We just lost our baby. I need her and she need me more than anything.

It was around 6am and I went to her house.  She hadn't been to sleep and neither have I.

I got in the bed with her and held her. She cryed into my chest.  "I'm sorry King." She cryed. 

"Baby its not your fault." I said rubbing her back.

"King I did stuff. I didn't know I was pregnant." She cried.

"What you do?"

"I drunk I smoked I snorted I kept taking birth control I just did so much shit King I don't even remember. Its my fault the baby died."

"You didn't know Ebony.  I don't blame you." I said. Even though deep down inside I did. She shouldn't have been doing all that shit and hoing around in the first place. Maybe my baby wouldn't have died.

I was so excited to be a dad. To give my son or daughter something my dad never gave me. A father.

I thought about taking my son to football practice or picking my daughter up from dance class. 

All that down the drain. What does God want from me! First Ebony cheating then he makes her pregnant only to take the baby back?

Maybe God wasn't the problem.  Maybe it was Ebony.  And he wants me to realize that... he didn't have to kill my seed for me to realize though

*Milans pov*

I sit on the couch wearing Kings shirt.

Its been three days and I miss him so much. I always cry. Even at work.  I just can't deal with all this.

I love him.

I kept listening to K Michelle 'Sometimes'

I keep "prayin for a man who don't give a fuck about me" like she said.

Cuz he obviously doesn't.  He wants Ebony.  He revolves around Ebony.  Ebony this Ebony that. Wrll him and that cheating bitch can go live in paradise and have all fucking babies they want!

My door opened causing me to jump. I look and its just Kinani. I frowned. 

"King wanted me to give you his key." She dropped it in my hand. I started crying again. I threw the key and buried my face crying.

She patted my back and tryed to comfort me.

"It just wasn't meant to be Kinani. I tried so hard. But no matter what I always end up hurt. He's not the one like I thought."

"Hun there's plenty of fish in the sea."

"Well I want that fish. But it's obvious we just aren't meant to be." I wiped my eyes.

"Hey Milan. Look.  Stop moping.  I'm so sick of you crying over King. How many times have you cried because of that nigga?"

"A lot." I laughed a bit as I wiped my eye.

"Exactly.  I'm tired of seeing you hurt. You need to be happy. Just like you said. Maybe you and King weren't meant to be."  She paused. "Jamaals cousin is in town. If you're tired of hurting we're going out tommorow.  He could use a date."

"Thanks but-"

"No buts get your ass out the house and stop worrying about King. Regardless you still my sis and I don't want you sad. Its bringing me down and I got this baby to worry about.  I'm  almist 3 months I ain't got time to be worried bout you and King fucked up relationship."

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