♡Chapter 41

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*2 weeks later*

Things are somewhat complicated now. Me and King argue daily.  But I love him. And we gotta work this out.

Ebony pregnant ass is around everyday purposely taking Kings attention away from me. She tells me she's gonna take him back.  And as much he says it'll never happen.  I still have a bad feeling.

I rolled over to meet faces with my man. I smiled and rubbed his cheek.

"Morning baby." He said.

"Morning." I said then kissed his nose.

He smiled then his phone started ringing. 

He grabbed it and answered.

"Hello?.... everything alright?... Mmhhmm..... yeah I'm on my way." He hung up. Then got off the bed.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Ebony." He left the room going to the bathroom. 

About five minutes  later he came out from his quick shower.  "Where you going?"

"To Ebonys."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.  "Why?" I said with attitude

"Doctors appointment. I'm late."

He threw his clothes on and tied his shoes grabbing his keys and leaving the room.


He ran back in and kissed me. "Love you." He said.

"Love you too." I said

He smiled.  "Ill make it up to you later."


*Kings pov*

"You okay?" I was on my way to taking Ebony to the doctor. 

"My side been hurting." She said.

"That's normal I think." I said. Reaching over and rubbing her stomach as I drove. 

"King I love you." She said.

I sighed. "Ebony. I'm in love with Milan. You had your chance and you fucked it up."

"I know then I think about the baby. And the future. I want the best for us. I want our baby to grow up with both parents."

"I don't wanna talk about this."

"Fine then take me home."


"Since you don't wanna be in my life youre not going to be in my kids."

"Your kid? Don't play this card with me. My kid ain't got shit to do with you. And since I don't wanna be with you you gone try to take my kid? What kind of fucked up shit is that!?"

"You only don't want me because that bitch Milan came in the picture.  But face it King you know I'm what you need. Who was there when you was on the streets who asked daddy for that loan you needed? I was there when you got back on your feet! Now you gone drop me because I fell off?!"

"No I dropped you because yo ass was unfaithful. You wasn't true!  You snuck around my back and I gave you my all Ebony.  I treated you like a queen no matter what people said about you I still kept you and loved you. And you repayed me by breaking my heart!!"

"Well if you weren't so damn weak then I wouldn't have had to cheat on yo ass!!!"

"You such a fucking bitch I should've listened to everyone when they said not to mess with yo ass. I wouldnt be here in this position now."

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