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Alice's P.O.V

I am so excited because Tyler is going to be spending the night I am so excited and he also said he had a present for me and I will get it tomorrow. 

"Babe are you decidnt?" Tyler asked outside in my room.

"Yep I am all dressed" I said.

Tyler then came in wearing his PJ's well a pair of trousers, I just stared at his abs, they were beautiful and smooth.

"Enjoying your self their?" He asks and looks at me with his eyebrow raised.

"No" I said quickly I hopped into bed.

Tyler crawled in with me.

"You look beauitful" Tyler said.

"Thanks you your not to bad yourself" I say.

"Is it because of my abs?" He teased.

"Maybe but I am your girlfriend I can look at them and much as I like" I say.

Tyler smiles he comes in closer to me we share a kiss very passinot it kinda turned me on.

After that kiss the felt like I was ready but I don't know if Tyler is.

"Um Tyler can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Yeah anything baby" Tyler says.

"If I were ready to have sex with you like right now would you be ready?" I ask making it sound casual.

"Babe I have been ready for along time, why do you ask?" Tyler asks.

"Because I'm ready and I wnated to know if you wanted to do it right here and right now?" I whisper.

"Oh my are you sure?" Tyler asks.

"Yes, very sure" I say.

"What about your family?" He asks.

"They are all heavy sleepers I had my music on full blast once they just slept right through it" I say.

Tyler smiles and kissed me.

"I.Love.You.So.Much" He says inbetween kisses.

"I love you to" I mubble against his lips.

He starts to deepen the kiss then I reaised I need to freshen up so I break the kiss.

"One second" I say.

I get out of the bed and run into the bathroom I wahs my face, go for a pee, wash my hands and then I walk back in.

Tyler is standing not far from me he then walks to me and kisses me again he lifts me, my legs wrap around his waist he carsess my legs and my hands run through his hair. Tyler walks to the bed and gentaly places me down and continues kissing then he starts to take off my PJ's.

"Your beautiful" He says.

I smile then I shuffel back onto my bed and he crawles towards me. He kisses me again his hands then went to my breasts and he carrsessed them.

"Oh god, yes, yes" I moan.

I start to lie back and Tyler hovvers over me still kissing then after a few minuets I take off his trousers we both get under the quilt. I remove my lips from his then I kiss his abs and I work my way down.

"Oh god Alice, faster" He moans.

It went on for well you don't need to know that but at the end of it we were lying naked on my bed our legs were intinwed and my head was rested against his chest.

"That was amazing" I said breathless.

"I am so glad it was with you" He said.

"Me to" I say.

I then reached for my top and then I slid it on and I got out of the bed and got my trousers and Tyler's he put his on and I put mine on, then I got back into the bed.

"Well goodnight" Tyler says.

"Night, love you" I say.

"Love you to" Tyler says.

He kisses me quickly on the lips and turns the light off, I turn my body around and Tyler comes closer to me and wraps his arm around my waist. I felt so safe in his arms I fell staright asleep.

The next day I woke up I saw that Tyler wasn't their I looked up and saw a present across from my bed I smiled then I got up and I walked to it. I picked it up and carrie it to my bed I sit on my bed and I take the card off.

"To my dearist Alice, I hope you like this gift I hope you use it alot and maybe one day we can play it together, I love you, Tyler" I read.

I tear the paper off then I see a box and inside it is a guitar I gasp and it, It looks beauitful ithad flowers inprinted on it at the bottom.

I put it down on my bed then I walk downstairs and the smell of egg's and Bacon fill my nostrils. I walk into the kitchen and see my boyfriend cooking.

"Hey" I say.

Tyler turns to me.

"Hey" He says.

I give him a hug.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask.

"Yes did you?" He asks.

"Yes where are the others?" I ask.

"Your mum took Sydney and Makala to dance class and then she said she was meeting some friends today" He says.

"Oh yeah they are out all day" I say.

"So we are alone all day then" Tyler says smiling seductively.

I give him a quick wink.

"Sit down I will bring our breakfast to us" Tyler says.

"OK" I say.

I sit down and not long later Tyler brings the food over then he sit's across from me.

"Oh thank you for my guitar" I say.

"Your welcome I am glad you liked it" Tyler says.

"I hope we can play together too one day" I say.

"I promise we will" Tyler said.

"Last night was amazing" I say.

"It was, I loved showing you how much I loved you" Tyler says.

"Me to, don't go breaking my heart now" I tease.

"I would never" He says.

"I am going to hold you to that" I say.

"I love you so so so so so so much" He say.

"I love you much more" I say.

He walks over to me and kisses me on the lips.

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