Prince: Phillip Magnus Hartsfast (Sleeping Beauty) (DROPPED OUT)

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Name: Phillip Magnus Hartsfast

Age: Twenty-one

Prince or Princess: Prince

Kingdom: The Hartsfast dynasty, Sleeping Beauty


Prince Phillip is tall and handsome. Light blue eyes are the most striking feature of his finely-chiselled face. He normally has a stern expression, but when he breaks into a smile he removes the smallest child's inhibitions. His lithe form conceals the fact that he is quite strong. He excells in swordplay and archery.


Prince Phillip is the son of Magnus Charles Hartsfast, the first king of the Hartsfast dynasty. His mother, Dreia Nasrath Hartsfast, is not of royal blood. There are many rumours regarding the reason King Magnus married Queen Dreia, but no one has managed to unearth the truth so far.

Not content with marrying into royalty, Dreia advanced into the realm of governance and now makes most of the decisions (which are usually unreasonable and demanding on the kingdom). As a result, the people are unhappy and unsatisfied. Rumour also has it that King Magnus concurs with Dreia's demands to maintain peace in house and kingdom. There is universal dislike towards the Queen, and no lack of sympathy for the King and his son.

Prince Phillip shares a close relationship with his father the King, and they share many things about the kingdom and about their own lives that they keep from the Queen by unspoken agreement. The Prince's relationship with his mother is neither as smooth nor as close; they disagree on many things and have had many heated arguments.

Phillip himself is the ideal prince; as a student he was the delight of his instructors. He takes an active interest in the kingdom, and the flaws he spots in his mother's policies are the reasons for most of his arguments with her. He has not yet seemed to realise, like his father has, that keeping quiet would be more peaceful than taking her to task. As he does not hold any power, however, his energies are wasted behind closed doors. It is for the same reason that there is still calm in the house; the Queen will not rest if she does not get her way.

One of the Queen's frequent utterances to the prince in recent months is a remark that he must get married soon, and an all-too-strong hint that she would be overjoyed to fix the match. Her nagging is a source of discomfort to him, especially because he dreads marriage to a girl he has not got a chance to know and he feels sure that his mother will fish out such a person for him.

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