chapter two

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y/n's pov

as the day passes by, i decided to sit by the balcony, looking over the faint stars as the sun sets. skys are very beautiful, i realised. i haven't had the time to just sit back and relax while drinking another cup of coffee. of course it was decaf or else i wouldn't be able to sleep at night. well not a very long sleep at least. but the hazy stars were worth staying up all night for. they aren't very clear. they aren't the perfect stars that you see in movies;bright and dazzling. they had flaws but so does everyone. however the sky was scattered with them. everywhere as far as the eye can see. even stars have families i guess.

i let out a sigh and get up from the bench. i walk all the way to the coffee table and rest the cup on it. i stretch my arms out far and wide. i guess it's time for bed. i unlock my phone to check the time and it's six pm. "huh?! its so early, how can i be so exhausted!!" i puzzled.

while you checked the time you check the messenger app, the app that brought you to the rfa. that brought you people, friends that you can rely on. come to think if it, the rfa are like your stars. every star is different; individual. you won't be able to find the same star again. even if you look hard enough. you won't be able to find the same friends again if you loose them. so you must always keep sight of the important stars. they might look faint but the closer you get, the brighter they are. i can definitely relate to this, if you think hard enough. luciel looks like your average guy but once you actually get to know each other then you realise how sweet he is, how soft-hearted he is, he seems like he doesn't care. but he does. he cares a lot.

"i found my stars." i acknowledged. i felt a smile forming on my lips. a small smile. saying that made me feel relieved that i'm not alone. i sigh in comfort.

i was so lost in my thoughts i didn't realise that i accidentally clicked in the chatroom without realising. i must really be tired.

yoosung: y/n!!

you: yoosung! how was school?

yoosung: same old same old:(

yoosung: i just wanna get out of school and work now. i'm sick of it! achoo!

you: aw yoosung, only some time left until you get a job, then you can tell me how much you miss being in school ;)

yoosung: -_-

you: lolol

you: anyways, how did the battle in lolol go? did you get the treasure?

yoosung: thanks for asking!! no one really cares about what i do in lolol :(

yoosung: of course we won!! we kicked their virtual ass so hard they went crying back to their moms!

you: haha great job! knew you could do it!!

yoosung: thanks!!

yoosung: well i got to go, lolol tournament is coming up and can't afford to miss it, wish me good luck!

you: do your best yoosung! show them who's best! bye!!

yoosung: you bet ya! thanks y/n!! bye!!

yoosung left the chatroom.

i exit out the chatroom and leap into bed, oh lord i'm so tired. i have work and then the party and then all the chores. i shut my eyes and try to sleep but something doesn't feel right... it's kind of like a sixth sense of mine. i can sense if something is going to happen. i get this signal going to my brain saying wait, one moment. it's not like i can predict what's going to occur to me or to anyone. i can't tell if it's for the better. i just know something will happen. big or small;i don't know.

and i was correct.

i got a call from yoosung. huh? didn't he just say that he had a tournament, i quickly answer the call. i was worried, thinking of something majorly terrible just occurred.

"yoosung are you alright?!"
"phew you picked up y/n, i have something to discuss with you... something about seven..."

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