"Yeah, I'll tell him everything."

"Good boy. Now we've got about an hour before we have to go to the meeting so do you want to grab some coffee at Starbucks first?" Dad asked Papa.

"Yeah that sounds good."

We drive to Starbucks and Dad orders a Latte while Papa orders a tea. I get a hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream and we all sit at a booth at the back of the cafe.

"How you feeling baby?" Dad asks me.

"For the final time Dad, I'm not a baby! And I'm just feeling a but nervous s'all." I groan.

"First of all, you will always be our baby. No matter how old you get. And secondly, there's no reason to be nervous love, we'll be right there with you and we'll make sure everything gets sorted out."

"Promise?" I ask.

"We promise." Papa says.

After we all finish our drinks we head back to the car and drive to my school. It's extremely quiet seeing as how everyone will be in their lessons.

We head to Principle Higgins office and outside of the office sits Justin and his buddy Josh, Sam and his buddy Eric and Nathan and his buddy Max.

Nathan is scowling at me, Sam won't look up and Justin just looks, I don't know, guilty?

"Oh everyone's already here. I guess we can get this meeting started." Mr. Higgins says.

We all enter Mr. Higgins massive office and take seats on the couple of couches he has in his office while he sits at his desk.

"So Zayn, I would like you to tell me what happened first if you don't mind." Mr. Higgins smiled kindly at me.

I cleared my throat and began to speak.

"Well on the first day of school, Justin, Sam and Eric just started pestering me. At first it wasn't much, they would just trip me up here and there and call me a fag," I paused when I felt Dad stiffen beside me. "But then it escalated to more physical bullying. They would push me up against the lockers and punch me in the stomach. The final straw was when they remarked about my mum killing herself on purpose. I don't even know how they found out my family history, but they used it against me.

"So I felt useless, worthless even and that's when I started cutting. It continued for a week until my little brother Harry ran into my room to ask if I wanted to watch a movie one night. I had just finished making new cuts and must've been too late in pulling my long sleeves down. Long story short Dad and Papa found out." I explained.

"Okay Zayn, thank you for that. Boys do you have anything to add?" Mr. Higgins asked.

I looked over at the three boys and their buddies. All of the buddies looked absolutely fuming and Justin looked like he has tears in his eyes while Sam's head was still down. Nathan, however, just scowled at me.

"It's all lies! He's telling lies to get attention. Probably never even cut himself." Nathan shouted.

Dad went to stand up but Papa stopped him.

"Nathan Sykes! What do you think you're saying! Apologise right now for that outburst and you have just doubled your punishment when we get home." Max bellowed.

Nathan shrunk back in his seat.

"Nathan. Apologise. Now." Max said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry." Nathan said insincerely.

"So boys do you have anything to add?" Mr. Higgins asked Justin and Sam.

Sam shook his head but Justin nodded.

"I'm so sorry Zayn, I was only playing around when we were tripping you up. I never wanted Nathan to take it that far but he told me he'd bully me too if I said anything. I'm so sorry." Justin cried.

"It's okay, I forgive you." I said in a small voice.

"Well you shouldn't. I don't deserve it." He said.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." Louis said, smiling at the lad, while Liam was still glaring at the three younger boys.

"Okay, here's what I propose. Justin and Sam you're going to serve two weeks of detention with me in the canteen picking up food that people drop and cleaning the tables. Now, Nathan you're going to be suspended for a week and then you will have your two week detention with me when you return back at school." Mr. Higgins said.

3rd Persons POV

Once everything was sorted Louis and Liam shook hands with the principle and then went to talk to Josh. Apparently Liam went to school with Josh and was actually quite friendly with the man.

"I hope you know that Justin will be punished for this by me as well. I do not take bullying lightly." Josh said and Justin looked down.

"I know, but it's okay, everyone makes mistakes. In fact, this Friday Ash and Mickey are coming over to ours, your more than welcome to join as well." Louis said.

"That sounds great. I'll phone you later about it."

Meanwhile Justin and Zayn had left the adults and stood a few feet away.

"Listen Zayn, I know it's not any excuse but I really was scared of Nathan. I'm so sorry I never stuck up for you." Justin said.

"Justin it's fine. I really admire you for apologising to me in front of everyone as well." 

Justin pulled Zayn into a hug and Zayn, although startled at first, hugged back. Both boys pulled away grinning.

"We'll see you Friday then." Liam said to Josh as the two families went to different cars.

"Yeah, I'll bring booze, for the adults of course." Josh laughed.

Maybe everything would be okay.

Hey guys!

In case you're wondering yes, the Nathan is Nathan Sykes and no, I have nothing against him. The other two are Justin Bieber and just Sam.

Another thing is that after the next chapter I'm starting to incorporate the prompts. So if you have suggested a prompt and I've not done it yet; don't worry! It is coming!

Thanks for voting and commenting!



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