•Chapter Two•

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Yoongi turns and steers up in the skies, his pupils darting at the ground like a pair of eagle eyes. He haunts for his prey for about fifty minutes before deciding to call it quits. Feeling disappointed he plans his landing on one of the sidewalks. He slows his speed first before steering down to the ground. Meanwhile this happens, A boy plays a tune on his phone while jogging. His black hair sways graciously as he bounces and his pale skin is dripping with sweat.

It had been on his schedule to jog late in the night before going to bed. He didn't see a man somehow appear in front of him until he bumps into him, losing his balance and falling.

" Ahh...S-sorry sir" The boy says but yoongi only stares down at him. The dot in his pupils becoming smaller in fright and excitement. He isn't afraid of the boy nor is he afraid that his secret might have been found out. But he is definitely thrilled and amazed of the person in front of him.

The boy has already finished standing up before dusting himself off and they both share a long lasting eye contact. The boy didn't know why he was staring for too long but Yoongi's eyes somehow brought him into a deep trance. He couldn't help but to stare for as long as he wanted and he couldn't tear his eyes away.

The same goes for the older male, Except his thoughts were full of schemes and not a lingering trance. Yes that's right, Yoongi has found his prey. He knows his face, he knows his scent. It's decided this person is his.

Yoongi smirks to himself and walks away, leaving the dumbfounded boy standing on the sidewalk muttering stuff like ' Rude' before continuing his jog.


The next morning the boy wakes up with his alarm clock blaring. It becomes 7 am in the morning and he has to attend school and other stuff. The boy lives alone, in his own flat. It might be small but at least it's comfortable and he prefers this very much because he won't have to deal with noisy people or uncomfortable roommates.

The boy stands up from his bed very groggy and tired before
Exiting to the hallway where he takes a turn to the left where the bathroom should be.

While walking the boy can't help but to hear someone else's footsteps behind him. ' It's just my imagination or I'm just tired.' The boy says to himself to keep at ease even though he feels another person's breath behind his back. ' It's just the wind now.' He tries to reassure himself as he enters the bathroom. In the bathroom he starts his daily routines and he moves in haste each time even though he's tired. One morning he was once so sleepy that he used a spoon to pick up his cereal but failed and sucked on his empty spoon for like 3 minutes. 

The boy walks out of the bathroom late again like always because he has fallen asleep in the shower again. He shoves a plain bread in his mouth and runs out with orange juice in his hand. He feels his body light and jumpy and thought he was energetic today, but when he looked behind his back he noticed he forgot his book bag at home. "Ugh curse my life!" He mutters upset to himself making a quick turn back to his flat. He then stops in his tracks as he stares at the path he just came from. It seems so...dark compared to how it looked the few times he walked past here. Something is giving him the chills and he can swear he saw a fast dark shadow flying by but since there is absolutely nothing and he's half of sleep, he shrugged it off and continued walking even though he is weary of that presence he feels near. It's a strong, intense and cold feeling that shoots through his body. He feels fear but, what is unsettling him so much?

The boy reaches his flat, unlocks the door and runs all the way to the bus after he gets his bag. 


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