My 'Dream'

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So, this is an A/N, Ish.
You know how before you fall asleep you have those 'day dreams' things, well this is one of those. (Just so you know, I watched the fox and the hound 1&2, now I'm afraid I'll lose a friend, but hopefully get them back soon after).
Ok let's start!


I close my eyes, snuggling under my warm blankets. It's 11:25pm and I'll have an early morning (7:30am).
I start to think of a day dream that'll drift me off to sleep.


I'm at school, in the year 7&8 area. People from my year are hitting me. I get pushed down to the ground and watch as they approach me. I whine out in pain as they kick me, beating me till I can't move.

"There's a teacher in the staff room!" One warns the others. (The staff room is at few point of the 7&8 area.)

They walk into the shadows of the overhead cover so that the teachers can't see them, they pick up rocks, and start pegging them at me. They finally stop, probably because the supervising teacher was coming.


I lay on the ground until I have enough energy to stand. I reach up, grabbing ahold of the large wire fence that surrounds the area (we call it the cage), pulling myself up and hobbling along the path back to the quad (the concrete play area between the buildings).

As I get to the end of the path, there's only a few meters to the quad, the canteen to the right and class room filled building to the left. I reach the end of the railing and when I try to walk I fall on the ground.

Mitch, a boy who's friends with one of my friends from the year above, sees me "Hey, Jess, isn't that your friend?"

The next thing I know is I'm being lifted at the arms by Jess and Steven.

They help me walk to the quad.

"We'll take you to the office." Jess tells me.

My English teacher comes down the stairs from the building on the left,

"What happened? Are you alright?!" She asked worriedly, I nod, to the best of my ability.

"I just fell over." I lie,

"Well that's not what I saw." (She had seen the rocks getting thrown at me)

"Well that's all you need to know" I say, and we continue to walk past.

On our way, we pass my old best friend, the one that thought I left her for new friends, but I had actually left her to save her from me, save her from the bullies.

I don't know why the bullies started bullying me, but I knew they would also attack anyone who talked to me.

I gave my friend, Lucy (Little Lucy as I use to call her, before we separated), a look if sorrow, she had an angry look on her face, but in her eyes she was sad and longing.

I looked back at the ground as I get carried to the office.

In class, I wouldn't be able to focus.
In classes with Lucy, I would sit up the front, away from them, and write all my feelings down instead of working, but I only did it to make Lucy think I was ok, I would put on a smile for her.

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