{Chapter 12}

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Sora knew it was wrong to leave Lea by herself but he just had to check out what he saw. Hopefully, Lea would catch onto what they were doing and run in after them. Sora ran, Keyblade in hand and companions by his side, towards the object.

Or person, Sora thought to himself. As the trio closed in, they saw that it was indeed a person. The figure was wearing the black coat of the Organization and his back was towards the trio. The three stopped and readied their weapons.

"What are you doing here?!" Sora questioned the figure.

The figure simply waved off the question, turned, and removed his hood. It was a boy the same age as Sora. His pale, porcelain toned skin shined brilliantly in the sun as did his dark, fiery red hair that had messy spikes. His violet eyes showed a gleam of mischief, and oddly enough, wisdom. He grinned at Sora despite having a saddened look in his eyes.

"Hey there, Keyblader!" He greeted with a mock two-finger salute. His voice was as attractive as he was, if he really wanted to this boy could literally make Sora fall for him.

Donald and Goofy put down their weapons and both held confused expressions. Sora slowly, and reluctantly, put his Keyblade down and with an awkward wave replied, "Uh, hey there." His hand immediately went to scratch the back of his head.

The boy, who stood with a hand on his hip and a incredulous look on his face, scoffed, "Aren't ya gonna introduce yourselves to me, or not?"

Sora jumped in surprise of his question. He's part of the Organization, isn't he? He should know who he is. Right...?

"You should already know who we are!" Donald squawked in anger.

The red-haired boy held his hands up in surrender and shrugged, "I was just trying to be polite, is all," he sighed, "But yes, I already know who you are."

Goofy, also trying to be polite, answered, "Well, gwarsh... I'm Goofy," he pointed at himself, "That there is Donald," he pointed at the fuming duck, "and that there is Sora," he then pointed at Sora.

The boy grinned and slightly bowed his head, "It's a pleasure," he then ruffled his hair causing it to be even more messy than it already was and grinned wider showing perfect white teeth, "The name's Xael."

"Xael?" Sora slowly blinked. To Sora the name was oddly attractive and it perfectly suited the red-haired boy.

Xael nodded and chuckled playfully, "Yes, Xael. It's pronounced with a 'Zie'! And ends with an 'l'! Got it?"

The young Keyblade Wielder nodded, "Yeah, I guess so." Sora's eyes wondered from both his companions then back to Xael, "Uh, no offence, but what do you want?"

Xael laughed, "What do I want?!" He laughed harder. The trio stared at him in confusion until his features softened and his laughing died down. Xael's eyes held pain and loss, "What do I want? I guess... The thing I really want is to be with her again."

Sora intently stared at Xael while closing the distance between them and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

I shouldn't be doing this for a member of the Organization but he just seems so sad, Sora thought to himself.

"Who was she?"

"A very special friend."

"Did you love her?" Sora blurted out before he could stop himself. What was he thinking asking that? Xael is a Nobody, of course he couldn't love her since he doesn't have a heart. But Xael's answer surprised Sora and his friends.

"Yes." Xael looked towards the ground and took a step back, "I know, your surprised. I'm a Nobody. How am I supposed to have feelings? Well, I just do. I'm not sure why."

The young Keyblade Wielder pulled back his arm and nodded, "Maybe you're a special Nobody."

The red-haired Nobody shrugged, "Could be," he pulled his hood up and began walking away from the trio. He stopped, "Don't worry, I'm not part of the Organization anymore so I'm your ally. Probably an ally you'll need. So I guess this is goodbye for now because you need to find Lea. I know for a fact that because you left her behind that she's getting her ass kicked by an old acquaintance of mine." He created a Dark Portal but stopped again, "Oh, and before I forget," he tossed Sora a necklace, "Give that to Lea for me, alright?" Without a reply he walked into the portal and disappeared.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy stood still, the information slowly being processed through their minds.

The first to react was Sora, "Did he just say that Lea is getting beat up by someone from the Organization?!"

"Wak!" Donald squawked, "We have to find her!"

"Let's go, fellas!" Goofy said.

Without giving the necklace a look Sora stuffed it into his pocket and ran to where they left Lea.

She was nowhere to be seen.

The only evidence of her being there was a small, barely noticeable puddle of blood on the ground, as well as some spots of blood on the wall.

"Guys," Sora said in disbelief, "I think we just lost Lea to the Organization."


A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I've last updated but I still have writer's block. But I manage to write this while being in Mexico and luckily our neighbour had wifi so he lets us use it! But under some conditions... But anyways, who do you think Xael is? Who do you think is the girl he was (sorta) talking about? What is the necklace that Xael gave to Sora for Lea? And where could Lea be? Leave your opinions and comments below and please vote! Oh and this is my first update of the New Year! :D

Mexico is really helping me gain more ideas so I hope I update soon! Bye!

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