Formal Dinners

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"So, why are you making me dress up for dinner tonight?" I asked my sister.

"We have guests coming over tonight. Go get dolled up and then help me set up." She laughed. I ran upstairs and got dressed (outfit above). I painted my nails and put on my shoes. I ran back downstairs and helped my sister set the table. About 10 minutes later we heard a knock on the door. My sister ran to go get it.

"Lauren!" I heard an older woman say. Confused, I walked over to the door and saw 3 people. The older woman, maybe in her 40s, a boy, maybe in his 20s, and Blaine. Wait what?

"Aunt Pam!" Lauren screamed and hugged her. "Coop! Blaine!" She said and hugged them too. I just stood there awkwardly and confused. Wtf was going on.

Blaine saw me and looked confused too. "Sophia! How are you?" He smiled, still confused. I smiled back and l said, "umm good! How 'bout you?"

"Good!" He said back.

"What are you doing here?" I laughed.

"Lauren invited us over. What are you doing here?" He laughed.

"I live here." I said flatly. Blaines smile faded and he looked at Lauren then at me. I looked at Lauren and she gave me a guilty smile. What in the world is happening.

"Are you, Lauren's sister?" He said, still not smiling.

"Yeah..." I said slowly. He looked at me then his face lit up.

"WE'RE COUSINS!" Blaine yelled in excitement. My jaw dropped and I looked at Lauren.

"Awkward." The boy my sister called 'coop' said. I looked back at Blaine and gave him a fake smile, obviously still confused.

"What??" I let out a fake laugh. "Lauren, can I talk to you?" I asked grabbing her and pulling her over to the living room.

"Yeah?" She said cluelessly.

"Umm EXPLAIN?!" I got frustrated. I just wanted to know what was going on.

"Ok well, before mom and dad died, they told me that if anything happened to them, the emergency contact was moms sister, Pam Anderson. Now of course something happened to them so I had to contact an Aunt I never knew we had. Turns out she had 2 sons which were our cousins." She pointed to Blaine and his brother. "I didn't tell you because I thought it would be to much. Sorry this is the way you had to find out Soph." She said. I sighed and walked back over. This is one weird day.


I got into bed and turned out my light. I closed my eyes but then heard my phone beep. I groaned and looked at it. It was Meagan, my best friend from California.

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I smiled then shut off my phone, knowing that I had another crazy day tomorrow

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I smiled then shut off my phone, knowing that I had another crazy day tomorrow.

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