Stuff I still don't have done

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1.) Shading Tutorial for Skin -Part of the Shading tutorial 

2.) Pose Tutorial of looking over the Shoulder

3.) Hand tutorial

4.)Character requests of 3,8,17,18, of Liya

5.) Turtle in a red hat

6.) Characters from the Wallflower


Honors Geometry Homework on MathXLForSchool

Honors Physics Energy Transformation worksheets

Honors English Reading and SWBS

Honors World Studies Studying

Computer Tech Website coding

Beginning Band: Breezing through Theory

Story Chapters:

Chapter Four of Forbidden

10 unfinished one shots in my OC book

A whole bunch of sketches to post

Updates on the revised version of Alternate Dimensions

and much, much , more.

So yeah, I'm pretty full at the moment. And why I didn't do any of the things on this, you ask?

*too busy stalking people on DeviantArt and watching Owari No Seraph and Danganronpa

This was probably why I wasn't allowed to have a laptop. Too much power.

My Drawings III (DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu