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I'm rather new to the ninja academy so I didn't really talk much, although I did stick out easily. I was lucky that there was a loud mouthed kid named Naruto in there or I might of been the center of attention.

"Have a good day at schoo, Kera!" Ransuu showed me a toothy smile. I stuck my tongue out and continued into the building. I found my seat in the very back and remained silent. A girl ran up to me and stared at me for a while.

"You're new." She examined my face.

"Not exactly. I've been here for two weeks already."

"I'm Ichigo!" She yelled in a girly tone.


"Pretty name. It doesn't have much meaning to it, does it?"

"Nope. Although some people may call me Kira based off of a show. It means killer."

"What show?"

"Death note."

"That show gives me the creeps."

This girl is probably worse than Naruto. How can she say anything bad about Death note? How can she claim my name is boring? Who is she?


"I'm sitting next to you." She smiled wide.

No! Get away from me you creep! Argh, just kill me already.

"You know, I'm surprized you're not fangirling over Sasuke over there." She pointed to a boy sitting all alone.

"There's nothing for fangirl about. Plus, I don't love."

"How can you not love?"

"I just don't."

"Yeah, Sasuke probably likes me a lot but I only like him as a friend."

I'm sure he does. I rolled my eyes.

"There's also Kiba! He's cute! H like me but I don't like him."

This is why I don't like people...

After sitting next to her for a while, recess started. I walked outside to get away from Ichigo and sat beneath a tree. All of this made me remember my hate for people. They never shut up.

"Hiya, Kira!" Ichigo swung down from a branch and made herself comfy.

"It's Kera, not Kira."

"You said people call you Kira."

"Yes, but I prefer Kera."

"Then why'd you tell me about Kira?"

"Because you said my name was boring, might as well tell you about my nickname."

"I have a nickname... But it's embarrasing." She blushed.

"And what is it?"

"It's... Uh... Butterfly."


"I can summon butterflies."

"Why do you like such a stupid thing?"

"It's not stupid... Listen; Butterflies are unique too, Kera. Did you know that butterflies were once catterpillars then later they wrap themselves up in a cocoon to sleep and thn they hatch. Once they hatch, they grow wings and change into a new state. That's why I love them." Ichigo stared at me to wait for a responce.

"They still suck and my snake, Kabochi, will eat them." I sat there, emotionless.

"Maybe they're right... You are heartless." Ichigo walked away from me. Like it makes a difference. Everyone leaves me eventually. Nobody cares to stay by me because nobody likes me.

After school, I walked home by myself.

If I were strong enough, maybe I could have prevented Ransuu from killing everybody... Maybe instead of being a little "princess" I could have trained hard enough. But no, I had to be raised bottlefed and "royal". The sad part was that I enjoyed it.

Ransuu was one of the most powerful ninjas known to man. But nobody has seen him the way I have. He was my best friend, my first love, my right hand man. We did everything together! But I guess he felt threatened. He went nuts! I don't know why but he changed... I changed.

Truth be told, I'm not a five year old girl. I was seventeen when I died at the hands of Ransuu. I don't know how or why but I woke up in a cemetary a month after my death... In a new body. A body of a five year old. I don't know who's body it is or anything, all I know is that someone brought me back to life. And that dying is such a pain.

Now does the whole Ransuu love thing make sense? Everyone but Ransuu doesn't believe me. And trust me, Ransuu didn't bring me to life. He was just as surprized as I was.

So, what's my goal/objective, you may ask? Well, I have plenty. But my main goal is to live my life as far as I can. Dying made me realize that acting like nothing matters and everything is free, isn't living. Now that I have another chance, I'm making sure I use the best of my time.

Therefore I used to be a useless cattepillar. I spent a while in deep sleep and woke up in a new form. I'm a butterfly. A killer butterfly! Okay, too cheesy? Well excuse me, I'm not a writer. If you want a good book, read Jiriya's books. Well, if you're interested in his writing... But other than that, you're stuck with me... Kera!

The Killer Butterfly ((Naruto FanFic))Where stories live. Discover now