Chapter 1

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I know I shouldn't have taken Kyle's stupid dragon, but I couldn't help it. He'd been such a jerk he deserved it.

But now he also has his two friends, ready to pounce me. Dragon in my arms I take quick deep breaths, preparing to fight them. Again. Second time this Spring actually.

But everytime they'd asked for it. I wasn't going to let myself get beat up just because I'm a fourteen year-old girl, they could just get their butts whupped by me. I didn't mind, but they sure as heck did, so did the teachers. Because "perfect little Kyle Simmons" is the number one best student. Me, on the other hand, I am the trouble maker. The starter of fights. Yeah right!

Half the time I didn't even do anything, but did the teachers believe me? Noooo. They believed Kyle, his angelic smile makes me sick, but that's why it's all fun.

Now if I could only find a way out of here before I get myself and Todo the dragon killed that would be wonderful. But I'm quickly cornered against a wall. With Mr.Perfect smiling at me, and his two friends smirking.

"Why so glum Stacey? I though you loved a good fight," he says, grinning and stepping closer.

"Me? Ha! When do I ever love a good fight Kyle? Now if you plan to start one, I'll be more than happy to finish it. Your choice."

He scowls, "Grab her."

But now's a good a time as any. I set Todo down and close my eyes. I open them and roundhouse kick Kyle before he can touch me. Then his buddy Jeremy Conner runs up, only to get a hook to the jaw. Then lastly Deck Braiter stands still for a moment, considering his options, then charges like an idiot.

I sigh and land a square kick to his chest, topling him over the other boys. Not happy to hurt them but happy they'll be leaving me alone for at least a week. Maybe two if I'm lucky.

I pick Todo back up and step over them, smirking at their groans. Wimps, that wasn't even my full fighting style, that was just self defence. If they ever got me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore, they'd be dead within seconds.

I put the dragon down and run off to find my own. Having no clue where she went and how much trouble I'd be in if I didn't find her. The last time that happened she'd almost been eaten by a Syphr. Not a fun story.

I glanced around to see if anyone was watching me, when someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around and came face to face with my best friends Carla Pint and Danny Shoas, who both smile at me. Both their blue eyes sparkling. While my green eyes are no doubt panicking.

If the principal found out what I'd done....

I'd probably get exiled from Quenstrairy, or kicked out of school, or-

"Yo, you ok Stace?" Danny asks with that strange way of talking he picked up from humans.

"Yes, just looking for Darbie, again."

Carla rolls her eyes, "Stacy!! Quit loosing her!"

I scowl, "I'm trying! She runs off sometimes!"

She rolls her eyes and runs into Briar Woods, calling Darbie's name gently. While Danny just looks at me with a cocky grin. His eyes twinkle and I get a bad feeling, "So," he says, glancing around, "How bad was it?" He could't know could he? I was alone!

"What do you mean Danny?" I ask with a sigh.

"You know what, Kyle and his buddies, how bad did you hurt them this time? They still breathing?" Danny is the only one who knows about my "powers" and what I could do to Kyle. But he must realize I would never kill them, right?

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