Chapter 13

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Note: Hi everyone! I'm gonna write...lemme see... 3-4books in the near future(this year?). Anyone play or read Infinity Blade? Eragon? Original fantasy books? Then you won't be (maybe) disappointed! See ya!

At the sound of the horn, the Orcs charged, led by Bull Orcs astride War Rhinos. They thundered across the turf, hordes of savages in tow. The shamans were nowhere to be seen.

Ignatius heard Arcturus shouting orders to the archers. "Wait for it... Wait.. Wait... Hold..." The archers were nervous, for they had never fought in a battle of this scale.

Fletcher and Sylva nocked arrows to their bowstrings and Ignatius prepared fire in his chest. The mana roiled through his veins, charging him with power. The power of a Salamander.

"Loose!" Arcturus bellowed, and archers all over the village released their bowstrings, darkening the once clear sky with a deadly cloud. Fletcher's and Sylva's arrows joined them on Arcturus' signal. But unlike the others, Ignatius waited to attack. 

The arrow storm collided against the Orc horde, piercing many an Orcish skull. Some of the arrowheads were rusted, infecting the Orcs with tetanus. The Bull Orcs now resembled pincushions, but they continued on, determined to kill the humans. Fallen savages were trampled by the charging rhinos, making them stumble. 

"Draw!" Arcturus screamed, and the archers complied, slightly unnerved by the perseverance of the Orcs. "Loose!" The Captain barked, and the sky blackened once more. The Orcs were almost at the gates now, screaming curses in their tounge. 

"Light your arrows!" Arcturus said, and Fletcher nudged Ignatius. He set both his master's and Sylva's pitch coated arrows alight, but conserved his energy. He needed it for later. The warm flames flickered angrily. 

"Fire at will!" Arcturus ordered, and with the sound of ripping paper, the arrows jumped from the bows, ash shafts gleaming with the light of the fires of their companions. However not one flaming projectile hit an Orc, resulting in a chorus of foul mouthed jeers from the invaders. 

However, the archers simply smiled with confidence, nervousness forgotten. The arrows had lit a tar moat some dozen meters away from the village, and it turned into a sea of fire. The assailants groaned in dismay, for they could not jump across. Several Orcs dropped to the ground, succumbing to their injuries and Barkling poison, but a majority remained. Unfortunately for the defenders, the Shamans emerged from the ranks and summoned their demons. A swarm of mites erupted from their tattooed palms, accompanied by a trio of Felids and an Arach. The Shamans performed a combined shield spell, creating a spectral bridge across the burning trench.

The Orc's war cries redoubled as they streamed across the bridge, once again able to charge. Arrows dropped a few warriors, but most thudded harmlessly into the ground. Sylva's arrow stabbed a War Rhino's heart, making its legs buckle and it's red eyes close lethargically, but one still remained. The beast's rider was rapidly dispatched by a deadly hail, war paint mingling with blood on the ground. 

Finally the horde reached the wooden gates, volcanic glass studded macanas chipping away at the oaken barriers. The remaining Cheiftain bellowed and the Orcs cleared the gate, then the War Rhino charged at it. The stout barricade was shredded into matchsticks by the beast's iron tipped horn and powerful shoulders, but however, as the gate was smashed, taut, clear,  tripwires snapped and a mass of toxic spines struck the rhino and the first few Orcs, killing them instantly. Seraph had done his job well. A massive pit's branch cover was shattered as it was trampled by the Orcs, trapping at least a dozen in the hole. The archers rapidly dispatched them as suddenly rocks tumbled from a heavy net that was cut by a mite's jaw. The stones crashed into a Felid, crushing the demon. Major Goodwin's Lycan charged at the other Felid, claws outstretched and fangs slavering. 

Then Ignatius heard it. The sharp, ear-splitting hound whistle that only dogs and some demons could hear. He noticed that the Felids winced also, and the Lycan took the opportunity to rip its throat open. Ignatius belched a holocaust of liquid fire into an obsidian coloured track, sending it into a contraption that Fletcher had created earlier. The machine launched the lava all over the Orcs, decimating them, whittling their numbers down thouroughly and wreaking havoc amongst them. It was very impressive, his master thought proudly at his beloved demon.

Fletcher infused his tired demon. If Ignatius had tried that hard, he should do something too. Fletcher hopped off his tower, bounding down the makeshift staircase.

"Fletcher! What are you doing?" Sylva cried, but it was too late. 

Fletcher sprinted aroun the corner, and he drew his Khopesh and slashed at the nearest Orc, taking its head off. He thrusted at the next one, taking the brute in the stomach. Despite the Orc's wound, it swung at Fletcher's with his Macana war club, almost taking it off, but he ducked. Fletcher remembered Rotherham's advice on duelling Orcs. He chopped at the Orc's thick legs, and the beast went down, tripping his comrade behind him. Fletcher decapitated the monsters, and dodged another's club. Fletcher helped out along the street, and the humans were faring surprisingly well. Ignatius' mana was spent, and the little imp was fast asleep inside him. 

Suddenly, Fletcher ran into the last Felid. He dashed away, the bipedal beast charging after him. Nearby, he saw a Chamrosh battling the Arach, and apparently luck was on the miniature Griffin's side. Its claws had gouged the spider-demons eyes out, incapacitating it. 

A Shrike attacked a small platoon of mites, dropping the one by one, and a Kamaitachi was seen savaging an Orc's face, drawing out horrendous, blood chilling screams.

The Felid was huge, probably one of the strongest ones. It had colossal muscles, monstrous fangs, and an unkept pelt. Fletcher slashed at the demon, not even penetrating it's furry hide. The demon roared in triumph, talons raised, and lunged at Fletcher with evil intent.

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