Chapter 12

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Note: Hi guys! Hope you like this chapter, but it might take (have taken, I guess I already published it) a while to release. (Four days) I'm aiming for 2000 words, so let's do this!! Don't forget to follow and vote if ya liked it!

Sylva rapped loudly on the door thrice, than said "Majikras!" A previously unseen peephole slid open, revealing a pair of chestnut eyes.

"Whaddya wan'?" A gruff voice said from behind the door.

"Lodging and food, along with anonymity." The silver-haired Elf replied, hand unconsciously creeping towards the long stiletto. 

"Ye guys seem ah bit youn' te beh goin teh a place lik' this," the man from the door replied. "Nice folks don' go this wa'."

"We ain't all nice," Seraph interjected, the rasp of his swords slowly emerging from their scabbards, audible for both the man and Ignatius. The little demon lay in Fletcher's coat, slightly wriggling and wanting more fresh air. The Salamander was sandwiched between the jacket and tunic, to Fletcher promptly infused him before the guardian could answer.

"Alrigh', but don't cause too much troubl'." The man responded. Ignatius heard several iron bolts being removed and a few boards pried off along with the clatter of locks and keys, then the door swung open. A gap-toothed man grinned at the youths, eyes flashing. He wore rugged clothing and had a longsword strapped to his back. His eyes were blue and he had a bushy beard, along with a thick moustache to match. He had a shark-like smile, but he looked friendly and cheerful, verging on demented, and probably prone to drinking strong ale.

"Don't cause too much troubl'!" He said, slightly mischievously. They Ignatius noticed that the man had lost his slur, probably to discourage time wasters that wanted fancy establishments. "Name's Drake, by the way."

Sylva shook her head as Seraph said "Oh, we won't." While grinning. There was another heavy door, wrapped in black iron chains. 

"How are you gonna unlock that?" Othello asked, sounding as if he knew. He probably did, but nevertheless he eyed the door critically.

Drake grinned, and took out a small key. 

"I won't," he said like he knew something that they didn't. Seraph glanced at Othello nervously. Instead, he kicked repeatedly at an extremely heavy Oriental rug. After a full minute, the rug had been shoved completely to the side, revealing a iron grating. Drake looked pretty strong, so the rug was probably heavy. He took the key that was embossed with a skull and inserted it in a nondescript hole in the trapdoor, far away from the large keyhole. He twisted it and opened the hatch.

"After you," he said at the astonished summoners. "Ronald will take care of the rug." He continued after he locked the trapdoor. 

They descended into the earth, and after a few seconds they started noticing an incline. The walls of the tunnel were lined with brass lanterns, and the soil was well trodden. As they started ascending, Drake noticed their uneasy expressions.

"There's another exit, but it's one way. Physically and according to the rules, because it's a slippery vertical chute. You always need to enter here, though." He said reassuringly. 

Finally they emerged from an unlocked trapdoor in a boisterous room. The place was floored with wooden planks, but in deep cracks Ignatius could see iron. The place was fairly clean, with tinted windows that obscured the interior, but gave a clear line of sight to the visitors. Round tables of varying sizes were scattered hazaphardly across the floor and a large bar was stood in the back, boasting an enormous collection of dwarfish and human beer. A kitchen was hidden behind the oak bar. Over to the left, a staircase wound skyward, probably leading towards lodging. Huge chandeliers decorated the ceiling, lighting the place with their many candles, producing a warm orange glow.

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