Chapter 8

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Note: Hello world! Sorry for Ignatius sleeping through Arcuturus's wrydlight class! In the next few chapters, I'll talk about Vocans, add fake facts from Major Goodwin (e.g. Phantaurs don't have helix DNA, Lycans have battle rages, etc.) Anyway, see ya! Bye!

A few massive wrydlights erupted from Captain Lovett's hand and floating above the cadets heads. The shifting light disturbed Igniatus, for he thought enemies were ever present, so he growled and hissed at every shadow. The other poor demons had similar reactions, like Seraph's Barkling, Sliver whose spikes were standing on end, or Rory's Malachi, who buzzed aimlessly. Only Sariel, the golden haired Canid curbed her instincts, but her four eyes flicked from place to place. 

"I know that Arcturus let those of you who knew how to produce wrydlights leave class early," Lovett said. She had a slim build, dark hair, and piercing ice-blue eyes. In many ways, she reminded Ignatius of a younger, female Arcturus. "But however, I will not allow the same thing to happen. My motto is practice makes perfect." With different policies, Igniatus mentally added. "Today we will learn to infuse our demons. I shall summon my Griffin, Lysander to demonstrate." 

The Captain pulled a leather summoning mat from her belt and casually slid the mat out, draping it on the cold stone floor. She put both her hands on either side of the black pentacle. 

"Push your mana into the pentacle, and extract the demon from yourself, like so. Also pull the demon into the pentacle and activate it." Lovett pushed a stream of silver light into the star symbol, and suddenly an new orb of brilliant light flared into existence. In a flash, the light turned into a massive demon, the size of a lion. It had the wings of an eagle and a curved beak, not unlike a Shrike. A lions body and tail completed the fearsome beast. 

Lysander squawked proudly, ruffling his beautiful plumage. A level 10 demon! The students applauded her feat. She smiled, wiping a thin film of sweat from fear brow.

"Infusion is the opposite of summoning. Pull the demon back into yourself, like this." Lovett placed her hands on the mat once more. "And remember, for those with larger demons, summoning shall be far more difficult." Lysander transformed into a ball of glowing energy and disappeared into the pentacle.

"Some of you have had your demons for a week. Raise your hand if you are one of them." Lovett continued.

Fletcher reluctantly raised his hand, unsure. "Yes, Fletcher?" The Captain said, her sable hair flapping as she spun around to face him.

"I've had my demon for two and a half weeks." 

"Then your demon must be very tired indeed! Let's have a look at him." Lovett said. Fletcher handed over Ignatius, albeit reluctantly. "He'll be all right. He's quite powerful, so he can go along time without rest. Infuse him first now! Infusion recharges his mana pool so it's always good." Igniatus chirred at the indirect praise.

Fletcher placed his sweaty palms on the brown mat. With a single pulse of intention, the Salamander perched in the pentacle. Brow furrowed with concentration, Fletcher pulled as hard as he could. The demon felt the pull, and entered Fletcher's body. The class applauded once more, eager to try for themselves. 

The sensation was so strange. The demon's senses merged with the master's, and their bond of unity increased tenfold. Igniatus saw through Fletcher's eyes, heard through his (rather dull) ears, smelled through his nose and felt every crevice of the summoner's being. Master was so strange and familiar at the same time. As Fletcher stubbed his toe on the way back to the other students, Igniatus felt it also increase. The disadvantages of infusion, Igniatus thought.

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