The Friends' First Mission.

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(During the 1980s)

They were tied to chairs, their backs together. They spoke in Mandarin to hide what they were saying to the men that were guarding them.

"First mission and this is what happens. That's not sad at all." Phil chuckled.

"I've got a plan." Melinda replied.

"What is it?"

"I am going to dislocate as many parts of my arm and hand it takes to be able to maneuver through these restraints. Then, I'm going to go after that guard over there. Then we go through the door, down the hallway, and blow this place."

"Okay, then."

"On my go," A moment passed, the guard turned his back. "Go."

There was a series of loud cracks and Melinda made her way through the restraints. Phil simply pulled his arms out from behind his back, breaking the ropes and the top of the chair in the process.

"When did you get strong?" Melinda said as guards came running at them. They both took them down in their individual styles.

"When it became no fun to lose to you." He shrugged.

"Huh. Makes sense." 

They made their way through the door and down the hall before more guards ran towards them.

"Geez. At this rate, we might not reach legal drinking age." He punched one of them in the face before pushing him to the wall.

"Exactly, legal drinking age. I think we broke that, though." She grabbed a gun from one of the guards and used it on the others.

"Huh. You were right."

"I told you, if I need a gun, I'll take one." Her hand went to the comm in her ear. "Extraction team's on the roof. Helicopter, we'll have to climb the ladder."

"What'd you expect? We're newbies."

"Never say that again." She chuckled.

"You got the layout?"

"Yeah, stairwell around the corner leads straight up to the top."

"Cool." He followed her around the corner and up the stairs.

"Come on, Coulson."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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