Too Dangerous

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When I wake up, I'm handcuffed to a pipe in a warehouse, surrounded by burly Spanish men.

"What the hell do you want?" I spit.

"Oh, don't worry. We don't want to hurt you. We just want some of your boyfriend's guns." One says kindly.

"He's not my boyfriend. And that doesn't explain the handcuff!"

"You're just playing hostage for a while. " I sigh and look around.

"Where's Glenn?" I demand.

"He's fine. You're just too dangerous to let lose like that."

A man comes running in. "They're here for the offer." He says. The one I was speaking to nods and they all walk to the big door around the corner. He hesitates then peeps around the corner. "And please, be quiet."

I can hear their conversation. One demands the guns and the teenager from the alley. Rick replies that they need Glenn. Daryl quickly adds my name. They say they'll bring out Glenn. Daryl asks about me. They say, "now's not the time for her." I can tell by the silence after that Daryl's nervous.

They come back later and negotiate. They bring them... somewhere... and then one comes back and unlocks me. They bring me back to my friends.

"Anna." Rick nods. I turn to the men.

"Thanks for nothing, bastards." I spit and walk out. Daryl laughs.

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