Every Secret in the Universe

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Doctor's POV

The whispers began after Martha left. They came from everywhere; my dreams, people I met on other planets, even the Tardis. And they always said the same thing: Find the key before it's to late. It is zero. But what did that mean? What was zero, what was the key? I'd never heard anything of this before.

But then the whispers started saying more: The end of the universe. Zero is the end. Zero. Zero. Zero. And then I started to worry. The universe was in danger. I started searching for whatever it was the whispers spoke of. I looked everywhere; Klum, the Shadow Proclamation, the Medusa Cascade. I looked through all of time and space, but I only got legends and more whispers. They claimed "zero" was every secret, ever moment, and every place that ever existed in all of time and space. They said "zero" was the beginning of existence and the end.

Of course these rumours weren't very reliable. They were legend. But then I heard something that changed everything.

I was on a planet in a solar system in the Milky Way, not to far from Earth's solar system. I stood there in the market flipping through a book when something caught my eyes.

Zero is in danger. The secrets will be breached. The key will be opened.

There it was again. What was zero? What did this mean, and how did this get here? It was a children's book!

Zero is hidden in the blue planet. Zero is everything. Zero. Zero. Zero. Zero.

The entire book was zero. Every word on every page had become zero. Panic began to spread through me, and I looked around. Every word on every sign had become zero. I rushed back to the Tardis, and every word had become zero. I burst through the doors, and rushed to the console. Even everything in Gallifreyian had changed to zero. Everything was zero.

"What did the book say? The blue planet? Earth! Of course it was Earth! Everything happens on Earth!" I shouted at myself. I started up the Tardis, my destination: modern London.

When I stepped out of the Tardis I knew that everything was wrong. I feel the time energy in the air, and I could sense Timelord technology. My throat tightened as I blinked back tears and swallowed hard. Whatever I was dealing with had to do with the Timelords, and that means dealing with remains of the Time War.

I left the Tardis behind me and walked down the street, following my senses toward the end of the universe.

I walked until I came to an abandoned warehouse, and soniced the rusty door open. The energy was so strong here the air practically buzzed. Inside of the warehouse was dark, and it actually wasn't a warehouse at all. It was full of elaborate corridors and had damp floors. I began to wonder the corridors, following the energy. And then I heard the most horrible sound in the universe.

"EXTERMINATE!" A Dalek screamed as it rounded a corner to face me. "EXTERMINATE!!"

"Wait! Wait!" I shouted, pointing my sonic screwdriver. "You don't want to do that!"

"EXPLAIN!!" It shouted, adjusting its eye stock. And then another Dalek rounded he corner and joined it, shouting "EXPLAIN!!" as it did so.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" The second Dalek screamed in a slightly lower tone.

I figured I had nothing to loose, so I might as well tell them. "I'm the Oncoming Storm, the Destroyer of Worlds! I'm the last of the Timelords! I AM THE DOCTOR!" I said, each word getting more intense until I was shouting.

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