last night

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I woke up from sleep today
With a new hope,happy and gay
Blinking in response to first sun ray
Disoriented and confused in everyway
I recall the time,when i dozed away
Images of yesterday night replay

The night was deep and dark
He appeared in front of me with lightening spark
With immortal fragnance,angelic features,sharp and stark
His deep intense eyes,kind and sharp
With husky and soothing voice like a lark
He was gentle and rough like flower and bark

Then there came a romantic change in clime
When we met first time
We were perfect together like a rhyme
He treated me like a princess, crowned with prime
In his presence all my worries sublime
Every moment with him was worth life time

He carried me like a delicate piece of art
I loved the warmth his arms impart
Then came the time ,i detest with all my heart
It was the time when we part
He kissed my forehead ,before his depart
Promising that, this is not end but a new start.

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