before everyone knew

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It was a cold, snowy day when a woman was giving birth to her two twins. After her labor was over the man and boy came.

"Juri look! Both girls! They look so innocent! What shall we name them?" The man exclaimed. Then suddenly one of the girls eyes opened. It then revealed Two pairs of wine colored eyes. "Yuki..." Juri whispered with happiness. Yuki giggled and smiled brightly at the man. "Haruka- sama look at yuki see is smiling!" The boy pointed out. "Your right kaname want to hold one of them?" Kaname nodded vigorously. Haruka handed him the other one while he was crandling yuki. Kaname smiled softly at the child in his arms. "Haruka-sama? Why hasn't she opened her eyes yet and also what will her name be?" Kaname asked curiously. "Sakura?" Juri suggested. The males nodded as sakura goaned. Kaname looked down at her and still see has not opened her eyes! But kaname didn't care.

(9 months later)
Kaname POV
Sakura has yet to open her eyes. I wonder what her eyes look like. I wish see can just open her eyes so I can see them. Sakura yawned and continued to sleep. Wow sakira has slept for along time. Not once has she woke up and cried for food like yuki or attenstion, she just sleeps non stop like there is no tomorrow. She flips and was now facing the mattress on her belly. "Kaname is see still asleep?" Juri giggled. I nodded and haruka came in. "She sure love to sleep I guess since she keeps on sleeping," haruka grined. I nodded and smiled back.

"Well we must go to sleep now shall we?" Juri said. We nodded and left the 9 month old baby to continue sleeping.

(Authors POV)
But little did they know that this baby was an odd one. She was awake and silent when they were asleep and asleep when they are awake. Everyone in the mansion was asleep as the child rubbed her huge droopy, black and wine eyes. She stood on her two legs as she claimed out the craddle she was in. She stubbled her way out some how not making a sound. She then traveled to the livingroom heading for the couch. Climing on to the seat she let her ears pop out. Yes she as discovered her ablilities already... Well some. She was really shy and didn't tell anyone. Her cat tail waged left to right and her ears twitched up and down. Then as the sun was going down, she made her ears and tails disappear. Curling up once more she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

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