Kendall clenched her jaw and her fists, feeling the urge to break something. Preferably Wesley's nose. She'd never gotten this worked up over someone she hardly even knew before but whenever Wesley opened his damn mouth, Kendall had the urge to clamp it shut and throw him off a steep cliff into a pool full of ravenous, bloodthirsty sharks.

She'd never come across anyone to make her blood boil so much. And hopefully, she wouldn't have to come across him too many more times. Business was business, which meant as soon as the deal was closed, face-to-face contact would be brought down to a minimum. 

Wesley's gaze never left hers, so the pair were left staring at each other from across the table. The room fell silent as Wesley waited, with a stupid smirk on his face, for Kendall to shoot something back at him. The only sound that was heard as Kendall sifted through her brain for a retort was the sound of cutlery clinking and doors opening and closing as the housekeepers and butlers buzzed through the room like bees. 

At this point, Wesley's smirk had only widened at her delayed response. He knew he had her stumped at this point. His habit of always twisting his full lips into a smirk or grin was a trait of his that Kendall found herself despising more and more as the time she was forced to spend with him passed by.

"It would seem," Wesley started, his voice echoing loudly through the noiseless room as he comfortably backed into his chair, "that you are lost for words."

Kendall softly let go of a breath she didn't realise she was holding, "Yes, so it would seem." She replied nonchalantly, looking at him with bored eyes. If anything, being so popular taught her how to control her emotions. Being 'queen' also taught her that she didn't need to win every little mindless battle, but the one to win was the war. So she knew what fights she had to win and which she could let slide. Although she was extremely reluctant to let this one slide so easily, she knew she would have more opportunities. 

"Anyways," William Emeretta coughed, "let's discuss the contract."

"What contract?" Kendall asked her father, her eyebrows knotting together. She found herself curious with the details of the deal about to be negotiated.

"The Archer's own a luxury catering business that will work in conjunction with our hotels."

"What about the Bry—"

"They've been taken care of. All you're here to do is listen." William cut her off and turned to Wesley's parents, continuing on with their conversation.

The next painstakingly slow twenty minutes consisted of Wesley's parents and Kendall's father quietly discussing how they would be designing the hotels that they would be building. Kendall had learned that the Archers owned a chain of high-class restaurants in which her father wanted in his high-class hotels. The Emerettas owned a global chain of five-star hotels. Celebrities and royalty alike across the globe visited these hotels. After all, a stay at any House of Emeretta hotel was considered a lavish luxury in the world of hotels and travelling. Every hotel the Emerettas owned had the very top floor reserved for them should they ever be in town. 

William Emeretta was planning on expanding his already large chain of hotels and to make the stay for his guests even more enjoyable, he was going to partner with Eliza Archer and Henry Archer to incorporate an element of fine dining. The last couple of times he had been to a House of Emeretta hotel, the food had tasted questionable, especially in New Delhi. But that could be due to his strong dislike of spices and curry. He had to fire his last catering company but he knew that it wouldn't be too much of a loss. Besides, they started to charge ridiculous amounts of money for below average food. And William Emeretta could not have anything below par for his hotels.

Every so often, Kendall would pipe in and offer her opinion on what the interior of the restaurants should look like. Her father knew she was particularly gifted when it came to aesthetics, but when Kendall found herself on the verge of yawning, she knew that she was done for the night.

"It has been a pleasure, however," she started, standing up. She paid no mind to Wesley as his emerald eyes snapped up to look at her. "I'll have to excuse myself. Mr and Mrs Archer, it was a pleasure meeting you." She smiled at Eliza and Henry Archer and as her gaze travelled across the room towards her father, it ceased at Satan himself. She pursed her lips before tearing her gaze away. Her father nodded and Clarissa threw a tiny smile her way, uttering a soft goodnight. Kendall pushed her chair in and turned, finally heading towards her escape.

"You failed to mention me, Kendall sweetheart." She heard an obnoxious voice call out from behind her.

Oh, for the love of God.

For what seemed like the hundredth time that night, Kendall gritted her teeth and turned on her heel. "While this dinner has been rather grand, I'd rather not do it again with you." She spoke calmly and before the jerk could get another word out, she continued, "Now, I have school in the morning and would really appreciate it if you'd allow me to go upstairs, take a shower and sleep like I'd been planning to do four hours ago."

"Oh, you go to Ridgeman Prep, don't you dear?" Eliza asked Kendall, breaking the little glaring contest that was going on between her and her son.

"Yes," Kendall answered her, "why do you ask?"

"Because," Wesley interjected, his lips curling into another goddamn smirk, "I start there tomorrow and I'll need someone to hold my hand, don't you think?"

You've got to be freaking kidding me. Kendall thought to herself.


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