Letter 3

7 3 0

Phil's POV

Dan thinks i've fallen asleep, but I really haven't. Whenever I pretend to go to bed, he does too, so it gives me time to write.

To Dan Howell,

I like the name Phan. it has a nice ring to it. ringing all the time.

sometimes I hear ringing in my head, but not like the nasty fire alarm ringing I heard only nights before I came here. the ringing in my head is more piercing. pierce pierce pierce. through my brain.

I think i've lost my mind. isn't that so sad? sad sad bad sad.

you seemed sad today.

I tried to ask you about it, but you didn't say anything. you got excited when I mouthed words though. words are bad.

why do you want to hear me talk? my voice is annoying, I hate the sound of it and i'm sure you would too.

I want you to stay with me all the time. stay stay, oh won't you stay?

I hope they'll allow you to do your work here. I miss you when you're away. away for the day.

sweet dreams Daniel.

-Phil Lester

I take this note and throw it far into the vent.

No one will ever find it there.

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