Shy little guard

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Name: Dean Potticary 

Nickname: Cry baby, New kid, Kiddo (Mitchell mostly), human punching bag, something that probably shouldn't be said.

Age: 2 to early 20's  (depends on rp) 

Height: 4'1 to 5'3

Weight: 106

Gender: Male

Ethnic Background: Caucasian 

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Guard

Hair Style:  Medium length sticks up in the front.

Hair color: Black 

Eye color: One Light Blue the other Dark blue 

Fears:  The Dark, Being locked in a room,  Failing People

Likes:  Bunnies, Sweets, Pleasing People

Dislikes:  Dark rooms, Failing anyone, anyone hurting anyone, causing anyone pain (this includes if he does it himself by accident) 

Personality: a Shy nervous male who cares deeply about people even when they don't care about him.

Bio:   Another Night Guard (Fright Guard in FNAF 3) is known for he is Autistic/Aspie and has a mild case (Along with having Anxiety,PTSD, and slight depression) and often carries around a stuffed Bunny for a stimming object and comfort named Patches. His family is part of a Church/Cult that believes in a key to opening the doors to both Heaven and Hell (tho it's not true) And due to Dean's birthday everyone thinks it's him. Which doesn't bode well for him. Tends to stutter a lot tho it's not on purpose he often blames himself for anything bad happening. Even when it's not, the male loves to sing but not around people. Has various scars covering his body which he hides from everyone. He is friendly but has to trust someone first. Hates being touched tho will hug people for some reason.  Comes from a family farm in an unknown part of Kansas and won't mention where or lies and says he can't remember. 


- Has various scars on his body

-Talks with a stutter 

- Has a stuffed bunny named Patches 

- got the job at Freddy's to pay for his elder brother Aj's drinking habits.

Character Theme Song:  Concrete Angel by Martina McBride 

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