Switzerland x short!country! Reader

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I was resting in my base tent since it was war time. And someone burst into my tent without KNOCKING. I hate it when they do that so this better be important.
"Boss the enemy has been trying to invade for the past 30 minutes and won't stop!!! What should we do!!!"
"First of all you can stop yelling at me I'm right in front of you and second of I'll be right out there wait for my signal then start start firing when I give it"
He nodded then left. I got ready with my guns and military out to show the flag of my country ((c/n) country name).
I headed outside to see the military troops of the country Switzerland trying to break down our wall of cover and not succeeding at all. Well who ever told them this was gonna be easy they were surely mistaking, causing I represent a proud country the country of (c/n).
My troops opened fire and so did the enemy but my troops defeated like half of them. I noticed there was no leader among them and began to search for him. I found him sneaking into my tent so I decided I would sneak up on him while my troops keep fighting his troops.

To Be Continued.

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