The Horrible Breaking Pencil

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Alright peeps........ enjoy this story, ill have 2 stories written today so yeah... i know its effort but JUST READ!

One fine morning there was a boy/girl called Kevin Eugene Brown, he went to school but realised he had forgotton his pencil :'( so he ran back to his house...

He got a pencil from his colouring (im not American) box and RAN to the bus stop (yes I get the bus... no stalking plz..) 

He was late for the bus..........

so he RAN to the next bus stop and managed to catch up ith the bus because of traffic :D

:P to the bus driver

he got to school and realised that he had left his pencil at the bus stop....

but he was sooooo mad at his pencil case that he didnt bother to look inside to see if there was another pencil (there was...)

He just threw his pencil case at a wall and heard a SNAP......


A True Story By Kevin Eugene Brown (most of it is true anyway.......OK FINE!!!  some of it is true......)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2013 ⏰

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