Chapter 2

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Astren and Hethren flew their dragons towards the Dark Forest as the sun rose high into the sky to indicate that they have been flying for over two hours. Soon, the blackened sky of the Dark forest began to descend upon the sky as the two flew closer and closer towards their destination. Both boys were a bit unease at the sight of the darkened sky but pressed on as they came close enough to see why people called that place the Dark Forest.

There was nothing but blackened grass that was dead and trampled on as if there has been one too many battles on it. The trees were blackened and smoking but didn't look as if any fires had been set upon them. A thick grey fog covered from the entire ground up to the middle of the trees and seemed to be hiding any secret dragon traps or something. The mountains far beyond the patch of the Dark Forest was covered by thick white fog so much that it was hard for the boys to make out to see if it really was a valley of mountains or not. The sky was nothing but bleary grey and had no sun within it. It was as if the entire place was cursed to be nothing but gloomy and reserved only for dragons.

"Wow, the rumors were true. This place does look like it is cursed," Hethren said as they landed their dragons to allow them to get some rest before they head out to explore more of the Dark Forest.

"I agree with you brother, but we have to be careful. So, whatever happens, stay by my side no matter what," Astren said as he dismounted Stormfly, the same time Hethren dismounted Windshear, and took out his trusty axe out in self defense in case of any enemies approaching them.

"Please, you know just as well as I do that your always in charge no matter what you say or what I wish to say. So it's just business as usual for us," Hethren said with a smirk as he took out his double bladed axe and held it in his right hand in a relaxed manner ready for any battle that could come their way.

"Don't take this place too lightly brother. We need to be on guard," Astren said with a bit of warning to his tone as he trekked on.

Hethren just snorted and said, "Right, like anything is gonna happen to uuuussssss!!!"

As he said those words, Hethren was then snatched up into a net that had a rope attached to the trap that layed on the ground when Hethren accidentally activated the trip wire making him be dangled in the air by the net. "HETHREN!" Astren yelled about to run to his brother's aid only to get caught in another trap that netted him up into the air.

Their dragons ran towards their riders aid but were stopped by bolas wrapped around their legs causing them to fall over. "Stormfly!/Windshear!" both of the boys yelled in shock and worry for their dragons.

They both struggled against the net and tried cutting their way out but was shocked to discover that the net was not made of pure rope but actually had metal wiring inside the twine. "How did this happen?" Hethren asked bewildered as he tried to tug against the metal ropes holding him up in the air but to no avail.

"Maybe because you hadn't payed attention to where you were going and decided to let your  stinking guard down AGAIN!!" Astren yelled out in annoyance as he also tried to escape from the net but to no avail as well.

"Will you stop talking about our guard and focus on trying to GET US OUT OF HERE!!" Hethren yelled out in anger as he turned to face his brother with an angry glare.

"Well maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't..." Astren trailed off as he heard wing beats of a familiar species of dragons coming towards them.

"Astren...What's that?" Hethren asked frightened out of his wits as his dragon was downed by bolas so there was no way that those wing beats belong to Windshear.

"I don't know," was all Astren replied before five different colored Razorwhips landed right on the ground below their hanging feet.

One of them was a pure black colored Razorwhip with red eyes (possibly the  father of the second Razorwhip),

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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