Chapter 10: Not My Forte

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Disclaimers: Should I stop saying that KHR isn't mine, I mean, it should be pretty obvious.

P.S. Here's the chapter reminder that Xanxus666 is my co-writer for this story.


When Reborn woke up the next morning, he was immediately on the alert. Something was wrong. He stretched his senses, trying to figure out what grabbed his attention.

The only sound heard being the clattering in the kitchen.

He paused. In his house, the words peace, silence, and normal didn't exist. If there was no yelling, explosions, or even the sound of weapons clashing, then... The only logical reason was that everyone must be dead.

Taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Reborn made his way to the dining room. It was a sight to behold. All his kids were sitting together without anyone insulting or fighting one another.

Hell, Kyoya sat near the so-called herbivores. Considerably as far as possible, but that wasn't the point. The fact that he was not biting anybody to death, despite it being in his nature to, was alarming. And here Reborn thought he couldn't get surprised anymore.

This was a dream come true. Reborn could now die without any regrets. Except for the fact that if they weren't acting like their usual selves, it made Reborn worry. Thus, unable to die in peace until he resolved whatever the problem was.

"Alright. Spit it out."

In unison, which was quite creepy, the mini idiots turned and faced him with an emotionless look. Restraining from rolling his eyes, Reborn morphed Leon into a gun. Shooting a blank at the table. This resulted in two of his brats flinching (a certain skylark and pineapple), while the rest jumped out of their seats in fright.

"Now that I got your attention, explain."

"Maa, it's nothing important Reborn."

"He's extremely right."

"We're all fine, Reborn-san."


"Oh ho, the Arcobaleno seems to have lost his mind."

Said man raised an eyebrow in response. There was awkward silence for several minutes.

Then Chrome, the only one who wasn't a coward, whispered, "We're worried about the Vongola heir."

Despite whispering the words, it got heard loud and clear by them all, which caused the boys to stiffen and avoid eye contact. Though Mukuro did do his weird 'Kufufufu' laugh, but it fell flat.

In turn, this caused Reborn to stare intently at Hibari. Said brat pretended not to notice, all the while staring uncaringly out the window.

"So, you know that Kimura's injured. What- "

"It's not that!" Hayato spoke up in offense.

Something outside his predictions since he was someone who respected Reborn. So much so, he basically worshipped the ground the hitman walked on. This caused Reborn to cover his stunned look with his fedora. Even as he continued to pay attention to Hayato not only yell at him but interrupt him as well.

Gokudera turned red in embarrassment yet persisted on talking anyway.

'Huh, guess Chrome isn't the only brave one today.'

"The Decimo made you angry, Reborn-san! By insulting the only person you truly respect! Furthermore, he knew that, yet he still went on and even offended you! We just... just don't know if... if- "

"He's someone we want to follow," Takeshi ended with unforeseen seriousness.

Reborn sighed, looking into each one of their eyes. Seeing them nod in agreement with Takeshi's statement.

"I'm not telling you to be Kimura's guardians. You're my top, if not, my only pick to be the Vongola Decimo's guardians. Not because it's expected of you, but because I trust in your strength. I trust in you. I trust just how far you'll go to protect what's yours. It's alright to say no, you're not going to disappoint anyone. Nor will I allow anyone to force you to do something you don't want to do. The choice is yours. Always will be. "

'Your mine. And I'll ensure your happiness. Old friends be damned.'

This in turn made his children relax, yet they were still unhappy. And as their guardian, Reborn had to change that, even if it pained him to do so. He didn't do gentle and comfort, they were not his area of forte, but for his kids, he'll do his best.

"Being such strong elements, the need to have a sky is overwhelming, but have patience. Skies are rare to find. Most go living as if a piece of themselves are missing, having never found their sky or even meeting one. You guys are especially lucky to have a potential sky, so give Kimura a chance. Yes, he can be a moronic imbecile (understatement of the year), doesn't mean you won't follow him. Everyone has faults. You've only seen one instance between him and me, so you never know, he might be someone you'd lay your life down for."

'Not that I'd let a single one of you children die before I do.'

Reborn sat back, satisfied with himself as he watched each of his brats get back a twinkle in their eyes. Some even chuckling at the end, realizing how dumb they were being. Good. Now the real problem, was Kimura a worthy sky for his kids?

'Well, together, we'll burn that bridge when we get there.'

"Kyoko (bless her kind soul despite being a bit of an airhead) and Lambo already left for school. Yet you were here moping around so..."

The boys, plus Chrome, felt a killing intent directed at them. They slowly looked up in terror, some hiding it better than the others, at the Devil standing before them.

"Get to school with your DYING WILL!"

Kyoya jumped out the window when Reborn had pointed his green gun at them. While Mukuro and Chrome left in a burst of mist flames. The others weren't as fortunate.

Later, eyewitnesses would deny seeing three boys in their boxers running past them. Different colored flames on their heads.


That's the end of this chapter. Vote, comment, add to reading list please. Thanks for everything.

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