Chapter 1

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"... if you're someone who knows the worst thing can happen at any time, aren't you also someone who knows the best can happen at any time too?"

-    Jandy Nelson, The Sky is Everywhere

* * *

"Do we really have to go?" I groan.

    "Yes." Destiny answers for the hundredth time. "These are our best clients and you've already turned down two of their invitations. Not only is this business but it'll be fun."

    "Oh, yeah, hanging around a bunch of privileged rich people sounds like so much fun and I turned down their invitation because I'm already there and have a job to do. I'm making sure everything runs smoothly while staying hidden in the background. I don't go to make small talk."

    "Most of our clients are privileged rich people. That's why our business does so well. Now, put on your best smile and pretend to be excited." I let out a long breath and plaster on my best social smile. "Gorgeous! Make sure you flash that at all the single guys. We could always use more clients." Destiny smooth's out a nonexistent wrinkle on my formal gown. The silver silk clings to my form. It has a very low back that shows off the tattoo of angel wings that decorate most of my skin. The front dips down elegantly with loose ruching. Sexy but classy. I cringe when I remember the amount I spent on it. Thank God for my savings account.

    "How does my hair look?" I self- consciously pull at my curls.

    "It looks crazy hot. Ruby red is my favorite on you so far. Your lipstick matches perfectly. It also contrasts so well against your caramel skin. What I wouldn't give for your skin tone."

    "Okay, enough with the compliments. There's no need for you to be nervous so stop babbling." She takes in a deep breath and exhales slowly.

    "You're right. It's not often that I attend these. I might as well make it memorable."

    "That's the way to think." We head out of her apartment to the parked limo out front. Destiny's husband, Jay, stands next to the open door and beside him a mystery man. "You have two seconds to explain yourself before I catch a cab home and read a book." I threaten with my smile still plastered on my face.

    "It was Jay's idea. I only agreed because you seriously need to get laid and look at him. He's incredibly hot." She whispers in my ear. My gaze runs up and down his body. Tailored suit, short blonde hair, perfect teeth, perfect eyebrows, hell, perfect everything. Who is this guy? A fucking ken doll?

    "Destiny I don't need your help getting laid but thanks for looking out for me." I squeeze her hand that I'm holding in mine with appreciation and ignore my irritation. She stops us in the middle of the sidewalk out of hearing distance from the guys. Her dark grey eyes pierce into mine.

    "For the last couple months, you've been locked in your office or at home working. Layla has voiced concerns." She says answering my questioning gaze. Layla is a great roommate but I'm so busting her out for talking about me behind my back. "I don't know what's going on but I want you to be happy carefree Kiara again. Have fun. Let your freak flag fly. I hate seeing you so... mellow."

    "Do you really want me to let my freak flag fly at this party? I'm pretty sure everyone would curse my soul to the pits of hell and that wouldn't help us get any new clients." Destiny brings me into a death grip of a hug.

    "There she is." Giggling like school girls we finally reach the limo.

    "Everything okay?" Jay asks curiously. A bit of concern etched in his features.

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